Blair Cemetery Burials in Washington County, Nebraska

The following is a database of almost all burials in the Blair Cemetery through the middle of 2015. Updated records are forthcoming.

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Last Name: First Name:
Year of Birth: Year of Death:

Aronson, Andrew A.2/16/1951Block: 56 Lot: 1 Space: 1Kinnison
Aronson, Baby girl1/1/196012/1/1960Block: 56 Lot: 1 Space: 7Schafer & Peck
west end
Aronson, Barbara J.6/20/19353/13/2005Block: 106 Lot: 7 Space: 3Campbell
Aronson, Charles A.Block: 56 Lot: 1 Space: 11
Aronson, Chester C.8/27/190512/2/1983Block: 116 Lot: 60 Space: 8Hamel & Peck
Aronson, Clayton P.1/1/19009/1/1932Block: 88 Lot: 6 Space: 4
Aronson, Dorthea Charlotte8/12/1955Block: 56 Lot: 1 Space: 2Kinnison
Aronson, Emily2/10/1908Block: 56 Lot: 1 Space: 8
Aronson, Florence E.8/11/190010/17/2003Block: 116 Lot: 60 Space: 7PALMQUIST
Aronson, John E.9/3/1933Block: 56 Lot: 1 Space: 4
Aronson, JosephBlock: 56 Lot: 1 Space: 12
Aronson, Lewis J.1/29/1902Block: 56 Lot: 1 Space: 9
Aronson, Mary E.Block: 56 Lot: 1 Space: 10
Aronson, William "Bill" D.4/26/193411/7/2014Block: 106 Lot: 7 Space: 3
McGilly Hoge Funeral Home Overland Park Kansas ( cremation in the east end.)