Blair Cemetery Burials in Washington County, Nebraska

The following is a database of almost all burials in the Blair Cemetery through the middle of 2015. Updated records are forthcoming.

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Last Name: First Name:
Year of Birth: Year of Death:

Haller, Benjamin F.6/12/1928Block: 75 Lot: 1 Space: 3
Haller, Carletta8/8/192111/20/1992Block: 75 Lot: 1 Space: 12Emken Linton
east end
Haller, Clarkson10/14/1967Block: 75 Lot: 1 Space: 11Campbell
Haller, Ervin E.2/17/1957Block: 8 Lot: 12 Space: 1Lawson
Haller, Eva L.9/26/1951Block: 75 Lot: 1 Space: 10Campbell
Haller, Grace E.2/12/1932Block: 28 Lot: 7 Space: 9
Haller, Helen Marquerite3/16/1960Block: 28 Lot: 7 Space: 11
Haller, Lucien C.12/1/1936Block: 75 Lot: 1 Space: 5Campbell
Haller, Lucy E.12/25/1968Block: 8 Lot: 12 Space: 10Kinnison
Haller, Mary CorineBlock: 28 Lot: 7 Space: 7
Haller, Miriam C.8/5/1909Block: 75 Lot: 1 Space: 4
Haller, Perry Theodore4/27/1965Block: 28 Lot: 7 Space: 3
Haller, Samuel Nicholas9/25/19107/10/1987Block: 75 Lot: 1 Space: 12Sag Miller
Haller, Theodore4/12/1908Block: 28 Lot: 7 Space: 10