Blair Cemetery Burials in Washington County, Nebraska

The following is a database of almost all burials in the Blair Cemetery through the middle of 2015. Updated records are forthcoming.

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Last Name: First Name:
Year of Birth: Year of Death:

Hanlon, Jr., John R.7/6/19505/6/2001Block: 89 Lot: 17 Space: 1Campbell Aman
O'Hanlon, Baby BoyBlock: 26 Lot: 1 Space: 8
O'Hanlon, Bertha Jane5/24/1963Block: 62 Lot: 9 Space: 10Campbell
in spaces 10/11
O'Hanlon, Charles W.4/4/1905Block: 26 Lot: 1 Space: 5
O'Hanlon, Charlotte M.3/17/1904Block: 62 Lot: 9 Space: 2
O'Hanlon, Clark1/23/1940Block: 62 Lot: 9 Space: 11Campbell
in spaces 11/12
O'Hanlon, Clark C.3/15/1904Block: 62 Lot: 9 Space: 1
O'Hanlon, Francis J.4/6/19127/25/1976Block: 62 Lot: 9 Space: 9Campbell
O'Hanlon, LeanderBlock: 26 Lot: 1 Space: 6
O'hanlon, Lozein7/16/19062/2/1975Block: 116 Lot: 70 Space: 7Campbell
O'Hanlon, NettieBlock: 26 Lot: 1 Space: 7
O'hanlon, Philip6/17/19057/26/1965Block: 116 Lot: 70 Space: 8Campbell
O'Hanlon, Richard Jr.Block: 26 Lot: 1 Space: 3
O'Hanlon, Sarah J.8/16/1904Block: 26 Lot: 1 Space: 4