Blair Cemetery Burials in Washington County, Nebraska

The following is a database of almost all burials in the Blair Cemetery through the middle of 2015. Updated records are forthcoming.

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Last Name: First Name:
Year of Birth: Year of Death:

Newell, Baby SonBlock: 22 Lot: 2 Space: 2
Newell, Donald F.11/24/191112/7/1944Block: 77 Lot: 5 Space: 8Campbell Aman
POD: overseas;
Newell, Eugene L.9/24/191112/7/1994Block: 99 Lot: 14 Space: 5Campbell Aman
Newell, Forrest E.10/1/1956Block: 10 Lot: 5 Space: 2
Newell, Goldie L.6/21/19089/14/1996Block: 99 Lot: 14 Space: 6Campbell Aman
Newell, Henry8/16/1928Block: 26 Lot: 9 Space: 10
Newell, J. A.6/22/1922Block: 10 Lot: 5 Space: 3
Newell, J. Willard3/1/1927Block: 22 Lot: 2 Space: 11
in spaces 11/12
Newell, John W.8/24/1950Block: 35 Lot: 6 Space: 12Kinnison
Newell, Katie O.10/1/1963Block: 10 Lot: 5 Space: 5Campbell
in spaces 5/6
Newell, Laura L.6/1/1910Block: 10 Lot: 5 Space: 4
Newell, Lee B.4/21/19343/5/1996Block: 77 Lot: 5 Space: 5Campbell Aman
Newell, LottieBlock: 26 Lot: 9 Space: 7
Newell, Mary Elizabeth3/1/1920Block: 22 Lot: 2 Space: 10
in spaces 10/11
Newell, Myron D.11/15/1944Block: 10 Lot: 5 Space: 8
in spaces 8/9
Newell, Nellie1/7/1959Block: 35 Lot: 6 Space: 11Kinnison
Newell, Oscar F.5/1/1917Block: 22 Lot: 2 Space: 4
Newell, Pamelia C.Block: 26 Lot: 9 Space: 9
Newell, RussellBlock: 26 Lot: 9 Space: 12
Newell, Susan T.12/8/1948Block: 10 Lot: 5 Space: 7
in spaces 7/8
Newell, Victor CarletonBlock: 22 Lot: 2 Space: 1