Blair Cemetery Burials in Washington County, Nebraska

The following is a database of almost all burials in the Blair Cemetery through the middle of 2015. Updated records are forthcoming.

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Last Name: First Name:
Year of Birth: Year of Death:

Bryant, Baby2/1/1939Block: 88 Lot: 11 Space: 1Bendorf
Bryant, Baby5/1/1934Block: 88 Lot: 11 Space: 1Bendorf
Bryant, Baby (C.R.)4/1/1936Block: 88 Lot: 11 Space: 2
Bryant, Burdette Lynn7/9/1905Block: 60 Lot: 10 Space: 11
Bryant, Cathine P.5/28/1930Block: 60 Lot: 10 Space: 9
Bryant, WilliamBlock: 60 Lot: 10 Space: 5
Bryant, William C.7/10/1931Block: 60 Lot: 10 Space: 10
Ryan, Almon J.5/13/1913Block: 29 Lot: 1 Space: 5
Ryan, Alta E.4/7/1960Block: 78 Lot: 2 Space: 9
Ryan, Augusta12/22/1965Block: 115 Lot: 38 Space: 7Campbell
Ryan, Benjamin W.Block: 29 Lot: 1 Space: 2
Ryan, Beverly12/16/193311/28/1993Block: 117 Lot: 14 Space: 2Campbell Aman
Ryan, Chauncey Harold1/24/1993Block: 116 Lot: 67 Space: 6Campbell Aman
Ryan, EdgarBlock: 29 Lot: 1 Space: 4
Ryan, George W.2/22/190411/29/1931Block: 12 Lot: 1 Space: 12
Ryan, George W.12/11/192911/27/2006Block: 117 Lot: 14 Space: 1Campbell
Ryan, Georgia Mardelle6/13/19219/7/2007Block: 118 Lot: 14 Space: 7Campbell
Ryan, Hannah M.4/17/1979Block: 115 Lot: 25 Space: 7Campbell
Ryan, James11/22/1962Block: 115 Lot: 25 Space: 8Campbell
Ryan, James W.1/1/190811/1/1973Block: 78 Lot: 2 Space: 8Roeder
Ryan, Jesse2/29/1956Block: 115 Lot: 38 Space: 8Theerhien
Ryan, Kelly P.4/16/19191/9/1996Block: 118 Lot: 14 Space: 8Campbell Aman
Ryan, Lottie M.7/31/1945Block: 29 Lot: 1 Space: 6
Ryan, Malinda J.12/2/1905Block: 29 Lot: 1 Space: 3
Ryan, Mildred1/16/19018/3/1981Block: 116 Lot: 67 Space: 5Campbell
Ryan, Norma Jean11/9/193112/28/2014Block: 116 Lot: 67 Space: 3Campbell
west end
Ryan, Perry J.11/27/19135/5/1993Block: 115 Lot: 62 Space: 4Campbell Aman
Ryan, Raymond4/27/19375/5/2013Block: 110 Lot: 13 Space: 5Campbell
Ryan, Robert W.12/28/19214/4/1998Block: 118 Lot: 4 Space: 1Campbell Aman
Ryan, Roger K.10/31/193712/27/1985Block: 78 Lot: 12 Space: 5Campbell
Ryan, Russell11/10/19118/4/1989Block: 115 Lot: 25 Space: 1Campbell Aman
Ryan, Vivian4/16/191010/18/1998Block: 78 Lot: 2 Space: 7Campbell
Ryan, William7/12/1966Block: 78 Lot: 2 Space: 10Campbell