Burials (excluding Blair) in Washington County, Nebraska
The following is a database of all burials in Washington County except Blair through the end of 2011. Updated records are forthcoming.
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Name of Deceased |
Date of Birth |
Date of Death |
Cemetery Name |
Burial Plot |
Veteran |
Andrew, Abram C. | | //1839 | | 9/20/1863 | | Fort Calhoun Cemetery | | Section: F Block: 93 Grave: 3 | | | | | GAR Marker. In memory of Lt. Abram C. Andrew Indiana CO I 87 Infantry. Killed at Chickamauga 1863. Buried a Chatanooga Tennessee. Per tombstone at Fort Calhoun | | Andrew, Catherine Mock | | 12/4/1916 | | // | | Herman Cemetery | | Lot 4 Plot 34 | | | | | no death date; mar. 4 10 1938 | | Andrew, Christiana ( Polke) | | //1813 | | 11/15/1880 | | Fort Calhoun Cemetery | | Section: F Block: 93 Grave: 2 | | | | | | | Andrew, Jacob P. | | //1804 | | 7/27/1886 | | Fort Calhoun Cemetery | | Section: F Block: 93 Grave: 1 | | | | | MD | | Andrew, Sarah ( Polke) | | //1781 | | 1/19/1870 | | Fort Calhoun Cemetery | | Section: F Block: 93 Grave: 14 | | | | | | | Andrew, Terrance ''Terry''' | | 9/14/1914 | | 11/15/2001 | | Herman Cemetery | | Lot 6 Plot 33 | | | | | mar. Apr 10 1938 Catherine (Mock) sons: Rob Jim' | | Andrew, William H. | | //1848 | | 7/16/1863 | | Fort Calhoun Cemetery | | Section: F Block: 93 Grave: 4 | | | | | | | Andrews, Bessie Gladys | | //1893 | | 3/31/1939 | | Arlington Cemetery | | Section D Lot 2 | | | | | | | Andrews, Charles Walter | | //1890 | | 3/24/1989 | | Arlington Cemetery | | Section D Lot 2 | | | | | | | Andrews, Ryan James | | 1/16/2001 | | 10/17/2001 | | Arlington Cemetery | | Section T Lot 23 | | | | | | |