Burials (excluding Blair) in Washington County, Nebraska

The following is a database of all burials in Washington County except Blair through the end of 2011. Updated records are forthcoming.

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Bovee, Archibald M//12/25/1880New England Cemetery
Bovee, Eveline//2/10/1927New England Cemetery
wife of A M Bovee
Bovee, Gertrude L//3/22/1883New England Cemetery
dau of A M & EC Bovee
Bovee, Ida J//9/20/1873New England Cemetery
dau of A M & EC Bovee
Bovee, Minnie E//1/7/1883New England Cemetery
dau of A M & EC Bovee
Bovee, Nancy//1/12/1887New England Cemetery
wife of Nelson Bovee
Bovee, Nelson//8/27/1881New England Cemetery
Bovee, Oliver B//1/14/1879New England Cemetery
son of A M & EC Bovee
Bovee, Orlie M//7/21/1901New England Cemetery
son of A M & EC Bovee