Burials (excluding Blair) in Washington County, Nebraska

The following is a database of all burials in Washington County except Blair through the end of 2011. Updated records are forthcoming.

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Broderson, Annie C. Andersen8/9/18753/12/1953Lincoln CemeteryRow C No. 17
dau of Jens Jordan & Anna Andersen wife of Paul C/mo & day Vig file/Dana Archives
Broderson, Charles R6/20/18796/24/1905Thone Cemetery/New York CreekSection 2 Row 6
Broderson, Diederich1/12/18375/14/1910Thone Cemetery/New York CreekSection 1 Row 3
Broderson, Herman N1/21/18922/10/1895Thone Cemetery/New York CreekSection 2 Row 6
Broderson, infant son11/6/188211/10/1882Thone Cemetery/New York CreekSection 2 Row 6
Broderson, Marie D6/23/18418/5/1905Thone Cemetery/New York CreekSection 1 Row 3
Wife of Diederich Broderson
Broderson, Mary A1/14/18775/15/1880Thone Cemetery/New York CreekSection 2 Row 6
Broderson, Matta L5/31/18492/12/1914Thone Cemetery/New York CreekSection 2 Row 6
wife of R Broderson
Broderson, Paul Christian6/2/187111/14/1937Lincoln CemeteryRow C No. 17
mo & day Vig file/Dana Archives
Broderson, R5/4/18436/27/1900Thone Cemetery/New York CreekSection 2 Row 6