Burials (excluding Blair) in Washington County, Nebraska
The following is a database of all burials in Washington County except Blair through the end of 2011. Updated records are forthcoming.
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Name of Deceased |
Date of Birth |
Date of Death |
Cemetery Name |
Burial Plot |
Veteran |
Close, Addie | | //1857 | | 10/24/1933 | | Arlington Cemetery | | Section E Lot 5 | | | | | | | Close, Carrie R | | 12/6/1889 | | 8/1/1890 | | Arlington Cemetery | | Section E Lot 8 | | | | | daughter of H. & A. | | Close, Chester Arthur | | //1914 | | 12/17/1939 | | Arlington Cemetery | | Section E Lot 5 | | | | | | | Close, Chester W | | 1/15/1896 | | 9//1896 | | Arlington Cemetery | | Section E Lot 8 | | | | | | | Close, Ethel | | 9/1/1888 | | 3/18/1912 | | Arlington Cemetery | | Section E Lot 8 | | | | | wife of Carl Close | | Close, Frank | | 6/27/1858 | | 1/18/1881 | | Colby (Morley) Cemetery | | | | | | | | | Close, Frank E | | 7/25/1884 | | 6/27/1891 | | Arlington Cemetery | | Section E Lot 8 | | | | | son of H. & A. | | Close, George | | 2/7/1856 | | 3/21/1902 | | Arlington Cemetery | | Section E Lot 8 | | | | | | | Close, Harold B | | 9/25/1894 | | 2/27/1895 | | Arlington Cemetery | | Section E Lot 8 | | | | | | | Close, Henry Cyrus | | //1851 | | 4/28/1934 | | Arlington Cemetery | | Section E Lot 5 | | | | | | | Close, Infant of Henry | | 3/1/1899 | | 3/1/1899 | | Arlington Cemetery | | Section E Lot 8 | | | | | Infant of H. & A. | | Close, James L | | 8/18/1891 | | 1/8/1892 | | Arlington Cemetery | | Section E Lot 8 | | | | | | | Close, John A | | 3/30/1826 | | 4/6/1904 | | Arlington Cemetery | | Section E Lot 4 | | | | | Civil War | | Close, Mable | | 12/7/1885 | | 11/20/1900 | | Arlington Cemetery | | Section E Lot 8 | | | | | daughter of H. & A. | | Close, Martha | | 1/23/1861 | | 2/2/1886 | | Colby (Morley) Cemetery | | | | | | | 25y 10d | | Close, Nancy | | 4/1/1824 | | 9/7/1902 | | Arlington Cemetery | | Section E Lot 4 | | | | | wife of John | | Close, Nettie M | | // | | 3/12/1897 | | Arlington Cemetery | | Section E Lot 8 | | | | | 3y 3m 3d | | Close, Raymond | | //1888 | | 10/26/1942 | | Arlington Cemetery | | Section E Lot 5 | | | | | | |