Burials (excluding Blair) in Washington County, Nebraska

The following is a database of all burials in Washington County except Blair through the end of 2011. Updated records are forthcoming.

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Last Name: First Name:
Year of Birth: Year of Death:

Burdick, Angeline//1829//1875Herman CemeteryPlot 7
wife of Chas H Burdick
Burdick, Aunt Emma6/1/185310/13/1928Herman CemeteryPlot 7
(no surname on the marker)
Burdick, Chas H//1822//1912Herman CemeteryPlot 7
Burdick, Josephine E//1866//1875Herman CemeteryPlot 7
Dick, A. Leslie//18838/26/1966Holy Cross (Catholic Church) CemeteryBlk 17 Lot 12 Sp 1
Dick, Denise Ann (Schroeder)6/1/195311/16/2020Holy Cross (Catholic Church) CemeteryBlock 3, Lot 11, Space 2
Dick, Edna Boysen//188512/16/1958Holy Cross (Catholic Church) CemeteryBlk 17 Lot 12 Sp 2
Dick, Gerald10/4/19482/1/2013Holy Cross (Catholic Church) CemeteryBlock 3, Lot 11, Space 1
Dick, James H.12/20/183610/1/1908Holy Cross (Catholic Church) CemeteryBlk 17 Lot 12 Sp 10
Dick, Margaret A.9//18434/12/1915Holy Cross (Catholic Church) CemeteryBlk 17 Lot 12 Sp 9
Dick, Maurice//1878//1889Holy Cross (Catholic Church) CemeteryBlk 17 Lot 12 Sp 8
Dickerson, Baby//7/26/1920Arlington CemeterySection D Lot 4
no stone
Dickmeyer, 4/12/19071/12/1907God's Acre (St. Paul's) CemeteryBlock 5 Lot 1
infant son of L. & E. Dickmeyer
Dickmeyer, Albert//19042/28/1996God's Acre (St. Paul's) CemeteryBlock 3 Lot 12
husband of Letha
Dickmeyer, Amelia Anna6/27/18885/28/1979God's Acre (St. Paul's) CemeteryBlock 16 Lot 3
wife of John
Dickmeyer, Andreas9/21/18831/6/1884God's Acre (St. Paul's) CemeteryBlock 3 Lot 6
Dickmeyer, August9/20/18741/21/1877God's Acre (St. Paul's) CemeteryBlock 3 Lot 6
Dickmeyer, Edward9/21/18832/25/1921God's Acre (St. Paul's) CemeteryBlock 16 Lot 3
1st. Husband of Anna Heybrock
Dickmeyer, Elizabeth4/26/18441/10/1916God's Acre (St. Paul's) CemeteryBlock 3 Lot 4
wife of Ulrich
Dickmeyer, Emma//18765/25/1949God's Acre (St. Paul's) CemeteryBlock 5 Lot 1
wife of Louis
Dickmeyer, John2/21/18869/1/1954God's Acre (St. Paul's) CemeteryBlock 16 Lot 3
husband of Amelia
Dickmeyer, Letha Stork//1909//1945God's Acre (St. Paul's) CemeteryBlock 3 Lot 12
wife of Albert
Dickmeyer, Louis9/26/19059/26/1905God's Acre (St. Paul's) CemeteryBlock 5 Lot 1
infant son
Dickmeyer, Louis//18813/27/1950God's Acre (St. Paul's) CemeteryBlock 5 Lot 1
husband of Emma
Dickmeyer, Mary3/31/18741/18/1943God's Acre (St. Paul's) CemeteryBlock 3 Lot 3
wife of Wm
Dickmeyer, Meta3/15/19103/15/1910God's Acre (St. Paul's) CemeteryBlock 5 Lot 1
daughter of L & E
Dickmeyer, Roger Irwin7/5/19457/5/1945God's Acre (St. Paul's) CemeteryBlock 5 Lot 1
son of Irwin & Ruth Dickmeyer
Dickmeyer, Ulrich11/19/18415/15/1910God's Acre (St. Paul's) CemeteryBlock 3 Lot 3
husband of Elizabeth
Dickmeyer, William2/4/187611/17/1944God's Acre (St. Paul's) CemeteryBlock 3 Lot 3
husband of Mary
Hovendick, Amelia Fitch8/27/18923/14/1972Herman CemeteryPlot 20
Hovendick, Anna Louise6/16/18986/23/1939Herman CemeteryPlot 7
Hovendick, baby////Herman CemeteryPlot 10
no dates
Hovendick, C. Vernon1/28/1910//Herman CemeteryPlot 23
no death date
Hovendick, Charles A2/18/18809/2/1967Herman CemeteryPlot 10
Hovendick, Chester L4/10/190812/30/1997Herman CemeteryPlot 28
Hovendick, Cora E4/15/189311/6/1985Herman CemeteryPlot 10
wife of Fred H
Hovendick, Dorothy M3/18/191010/23/1986Herman CemeteryPlot 28
Hovendick, Edward J7/18/18944/10/1972Herman CemeteryPlot 7
Hovendick, Elorah E7/28/187410/28/1961Herman CemeteryPlot 10
wife of Chas A.
Hovendick, Elta E//1867//1951Herman CemeteryPlot 10
Hovendick, Eva A3/18/18746/11/1942Herman CemeteryPlot 10
Hovendick, Fred H12/3/18949/6/1982Herman CemeteryPlot 10
Hovendick, Harold L.3/8/19511/15/1978Herman CemeteryPlot 47
Vietnam vet
Hovendick, Henry G2/21/18617/27/1954Herman CemeteryPlot 10
Hovendick, Herman G//1869//1942Herman CemeteryPlot 10
Hovendick, Lester F.5/4/19039/27/1981Herman CemeteryPlot 28
Hovendick, Mabel S.6/8/19055/21/1997Herman CemeteryPlot 28
Hovendick, Marjorie O7/13/19112/19/1999Herman CemeteryPlot 23
wife of C. Vernon Hovendick
Hovendick, Roland C.5/15/1918//Herman CemeteryPlot 47
no death date
Hovendick, Ruby A.12/20/1926//Herman CemeteryPlot 47
no death date
Hufendick, Hannah12/30/18467/3/1889Kennard CemeteryBk 1 Lt 40 Sp 3
wife of John 74y 7m 3d
Hufendick, John G. H.9/27/18492/13/1937Kennard CemeteryBk 1 Lt 40 Sp 2
87y 4m 1d
Hufendick, John H.7/28/187311/8/1874Kennard CemeteryBk 1 Lt 40 Sp 1
Hufendick, Johnny6/18/18778/11/1886Kennard CemeteryBk 1 Lt 40 Sp 1
Lydick, Emily3/3/18456/19/1939Fontanelle Pioneer (Hartung) Cemetery
Wife of Isaac mo & day from Vig file/Dana Archives
Lydick, Isaac//1823//1903Fontanelle Pioneer (Hartung) Cemetery