Burials (excluding Blair) in Washington County, Nebraska
The following is a database of all burials in Washington County except Blair through the end of 2011. Updated records are forthcoming.
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Name of Deceased |
Date of Birth |
Date of Death |
Cemetery Name |
Burial Plot |
Veteran |
Dierks, Anna C | | //1842 | | //1886 | | Immanuel Cemetery Plaque | | | | | | | | | Dierks, Arnold G | | 5/26/1915 | | 8/29/1972 | | German Cemetery | | Block 24 Lot 4 | | | | | son of John & Sophia | | Dierks, Friedrich | | 8/8/1901 | | 9/13/1904 | | German Cemetery | | Block 13 Lot 1 | | | | | | | Dierks, George | | 7/1/1853 | | 4/14/1936 | | German Cemetery | | Block 13 Lot 1 | | | | | | | Dierks, George | | 4/3/1899 | | 3/26/1956 | | German Cemetery | | Block 13 Lot 1 | | | | | | | Dierks, Henry | | 8/8/1901 | | 8/22/1901 | | German Cemetery | | Block 13 Lot 1 | | | | | | | Dierks, J. H. Wilhelm | | 3/8/1837 | | 3/2/1917 | | Immanuel Lutheran Cemetery | | Block 2 Lot 9 | | | | | | | Dierks, John | | 1/16/1890 | | 8/14/1972 | | German Cemetery | | Block 24 Lot 4 | | | | | | | Dierks, John R | | 8/15/1949 | | 2/8/2001 | | Arlington Cemetery | | Section Q J Lot 2 | | | | | | | Dierks, La Fern | | 06/24/1924 | | 06/04/2013 | | Prairie View Cemetery | | Block 3 Lot 4 | | | | | | | Dierks, Maggie | | 8/7/1892 | | 2/3/1905 | | German Cemetery | | Block 13 Lot 1 | | | | | | | Dierks, Marvin | | 10/24/1924 | | 4/28/1997 | | Prairie View Cemetery | | East: Lot 4 Block 3 | | | | | | | Dierks, Mary | | 8/25/1865 | | 12/21/1907 | | German Cemetery | | Block 13 Lot 1 | | | | | Wife of George | | Dierks, Richard J. | | 2/25/1945 | | 4/11/1987 | | Prairie View Cemetery | | Eastern: Lot 4 Block 3 | | | | | U.S. Navy Viet Nam | | Dierks, Sophia C. | | 1/29/1851 | | 1/3/1917 | | Immanuel Lutheran Cemetery | | Block 2 Lot 9 | | | | | | | Dierks, Sophie Junge | | 5/19/1894 | | 8/23/1989 | | German Cemetery | | Block 24 Lot 4 | | | | | | | Dierks, Tom | | 09/18/1951 | | 03/25/2018 | | Prairie View Cemetery | | Bk 3 Lt 4 | | | | | FAG# 188317029 | |