Burials (excluding Blair) in Washington County, Nebraska

The following is a database of all burials in Washington County except Blair through the end of 2011. Updated records are forthcoming.

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Geary, Cecil//6/9/1897New England Cemetery
son E G & A M Geary
Geary, Daniel5/22/183311/11/1916New England Cemetery
Geary, Edith//1898//1982New England Cemetery
Geary, Eliza (Bosworth) (Mrs. Daniel)7/9/183211/18/1926New England CemeteryNO STONE VISIBLE (beside husband Daniel, who does
Eliza and her husband Daniel were charter members of the New England Church, and their obituaries indicate that they were buried side by side. He has a stone; she doesn't
Geary, Eliza W2/19/18319/5/1907New England Cemetery
wife George Geary
Geary, Ernest R//1940//1942New England Cemetery
Geary, George5/24/183010/5/1903New England Cemetery
Geary, Howard J11/15/19043/31/1908New England Cemetery
son G A & N M Geary
Geary, Sadie1/29/18582/18/1947New England Cemetery
Geary, Sarah A//10/15/1881New England Cemetery
dau of D & E Geary
Geary, Sarah C//4/2/1881New England Cemetery
wife of George Geary
Geary, Virginia M.1/9/192712/30/1955Admah West Cemetery
Infant son of Glenn Owen no dates