Burials (excluding Blair) in Washington County, Nebraska

The following is a database of all burials in Washington County except Blair through the end of 2011. Updated records are forthcoming.

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Greeno, Charles O9/8/18796/27/1889Herman CemeteryPlot 10
son of O & E Greeno
Greeno, children////Herman CemeteryPlot 10
children of C & E
Greeno, Della H5/9/18827/5/1889Herman CemeteryPlot 10
Daughter of O & E Greeno
Greeno, Elizabeth (Mrs. Oliver Jr)//6//1895Brewster Cemetery
dau of Chas. Pennington no marker from Vig file / Dana Archives
Greeno, Maudie May Marle4/5/18817/1/1889Herman CemeteryPlot 10
Daughter of O & E Greeno
Greeno, Sarah A.//4/30/1878Admah East Cemetery
wife of Oliver G. Greeno Sr. 48yr 5 mo 19 days