Burials (excluding Blair) in Washington County, Nebraska
The following is a database of all burials in Washington County except Blair through the end of 2011. Updated records are forthcoming.
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Name of Deceased |
Date of Birth |
Date of Death |
Cemetery Name |
Burial Plot |
Veteran |
Hayes, Alexander Y. | | 8/27/1844 | | 4/1/1921 | | Admah East Cemetery | | | | | | | GAR Co E 110 Penn. Vol Inf (Could be Co C Vig )
Son of Obadiah and Mary | | Hayes , Betty | | 12/13/1918 | | 6/27/1993 | | Holy Cross (Catholic Church) Cemetery | | Blk 9 Lot 8 Sp 3 | | | | | | | Hayes, Charles A. | | 8/11/1863 | | 2/19/1910 | | Admah East Cemetery | | | | | | | | | Hayes, David E. | | //1863 | | //1937 | | Herman Cemetery | | Plot 13 | | | | | | | Hayes, Fannie E. | | //1868 | | //1956 | | Herman Cemetery | | Plot 13 | | | | | | | Hayes, Frances | | 1/26/1837 | | 7/4/1885 | | Admah East Cemetery | | | | | | | dau of Obadiah and Mary Hayes | | Hayes, Infant | | // | | 10/21/1981 | | German Cemetery | | Block 13 Lot 6 | | | | | infant son of Jim & Jan | | Hayes, James | | 4/6/1839 | | 4/8/1907 | | Admah East Cemetery | | | | | | | GAR Co I 20th Ohio Inf. | | Hayes, Mary M. | | //1866 | | //1879 | | Admah East Cemetery | | | | | | | daughter of James & Rebecca Hayes | | Hayes, Mary Young | | 3/11/1808 | | 11/13/1888 | | Admah East Cemetery | | | | | | | wife of Obadiah Hayes | | Hayes, Obadiah | | 4/6/1810 | | 3/16/1903 | | Admah East Cemetery | | | | | | | | | Hayes, Rebecca | | 8/26/1837 | | 1/19/1921 | | Admah East Cemetery | | | | | | | wife of James Hayes | | Hayes, William | | //1873 | | //1879 | | Admah East Cemetery | | | | | | | son of James & Rebecca Hayes
d. 1875 Vig files | | Hayes, William O | | 11/26/1845 | | 7/23/1927 | | Admah East Cemetery | | | | | | | GAR Co I 22nd Penns. Cavalry
Son of Obadiah and Mary Vig files | |