Burials (excluding Blair) in Washington County, Nebraska

The following is a database of all burials in Washington County except Blair through the end of 2011. Updated records are forthcoming.

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Hineline, Catharine//2/20/1873DeSoto Cemetery
First wife of Solomon Hineline
Hineline, Catherine//2/15/1875DeSoto Cemetery
Second wife of Solomon Hineline
Hineline, Ethel8/17/1921//Holy Cross (Catholic Church) CemeteryBlk 23 Lot 2 Sp 4
Hineline, Fritz//12/26/1896DeSoto Cemetery
infant son of G C & Lena Hineline
Hineline, Janet Mae5/30/194012/23/1976Kennard CemeteryBk 7 Lt 47 Sp 5
dau of Roy L.& Arline Rosenbaum
Hineline, Kenneth2/21/19219/16/1988Holy Cross (Catholic Church) CemeteryBlk 23 Lot 2 Sp 5
Owned by Mrs. Kenneth Hineline
Hineline, Kenneth E.2/21/19219/16/1988Holy Cross (Catholic Church) CemeteryBlk 22 Lot 2 Sp 5
Hineline, Solomon//8/11/1896DeSoto Cemetery