Burials (excluding Blair) in Washington County, Nebraska

The following is a database of all burials in Washington County except Blair through the end of 2011. Updated records are forthcoming.

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Jackson, Charles//1884//1915Herman CemeteryPlot 6
''At rest in France'''
Jackson, Edward J////Brewster Cemetery
Co H 138 I11 Infantry; 1st husband of Francelia Jackson Coulter she is buried in Kennard NE
Jackson, George////Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: H Block: 25 Grave: 6
Jackson, George N4/27/18934/13/1975Herman CemeteryPlot 28
PFC U S Marine Corps World War I
Jackson, Gladys M1/7/18981/22/1982Herman CemeteryPlot 10
Jackson, Henry11/1/188612/8/1945Herman CemeteryPlot 19
Jackson, Jeanette M2/12/19039/17/1983Herman CemeteryPlot 28
Jackson, John J3/2/18919/22/1983Herman CemeteryPlot 10
Jackson, Julia Catherine//1863//1941Herman CemeteryPlot 6
Jackson, Ken11/18/19453/7/2012German CemeteryBlock 1 Lot 1
Jackson, Lesley (Don)8/28/19269/8/1984Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: Q Block: 56 Grave: 2
Jackson, Lydia E.7/7/18849/7/1896Kennard CemeteryBk 5 Lt 26 Sp 2
dau of EJ & RE Jackson Coulter at bottom of tombstone
Jackson, Nelson//1848//1937Herman CemeteryPlot 6
Jackson, Robert William//1901//1933Herman CemeteryPlot 6
Jackson, Ruth12/25/189612/29/1977Herman CemeteryPlot 19
Amer. Legion Aux. marker
Jackson, son//8/30/1885New England Cemetery
infant son of N & J Jackson