Burials (excluding Blair) in Washington County, Nebraska

The following is a database of all burials in Washington County except Blair through the end of 2011. Updated records are forthcoming.

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Kniep, Emma Katharina (Wiese)1/18/18827/30/1912German CemeteryBlock 20 Lot 7
1st. Wife of Thomas Friedrich
Kniep, H Friedrich//1882//1974German CemeteryBlock 20 Lot 7
son of Thomas F & Margareta
Kniep, Henry12/11/19027/26/1980German Cemetery
his wife Verna is buried in B20L7 his obit says he was buried here
Kniep, Margareta M//1879//1968German CemeteryBlock 20 Lot 7
2nd wife of Thomas Friedrich
Kniep, Thomas Friedrich4/16/18773/22/1965German CemeteryBlock 20 Lot 7
Kniep, Verna9/12/19091/20/2005German CemeteryBlock 20 Lot 7
wife of Henry
Kniep, William9/16/19341/2/1935German CemeteryBlock 20 Lot 7
son Walter & Marian