Burials (excluding Blair) in Washington County, Nebraska

The following is a database of all burials in Washington County except Blair through the end of 2011. Updated records are forthcoming.

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Last Name: First Name:
Year of Birth: Year of Death:

Lammers, Brett10/27/19684/20/2015Holy Cross (Catholic Church) CemeteryBock 10, Lot 11, Space 9
Lammers , Elizabeth A.2/14/191711/6/1979Holy Cross (Catholic Church) CemeteryBlk 9 Lot 9 Sp 2
Lammers , Henry E.9/24/19131/2/1994Holy Cross (Catholic Church) CemeteryBlk 9 Lot 9 Sp 1
Lammers, Myrtle C. (Nelson)1/23/19135/23/1999Lincoln CemeteryRow D No. 4 New Addition
wife of Harland Nelson
Lammers, Patricia "Patsy" (Allen)05/14/193209/14/2016Allen (Pioneer Memorial) Cemetery
Lammers, Robert D.08/09/193210/29/2011Allen (Pioneer Memorial) Cemetery
United States Air Force