Burials (excluding Blair) in Washington County, Nebraska
The following is a database of all burials in Washington County except Blair through the end of 2011. Updated records are forthcoming.
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Name of Deceased |
Date of Birth |
Date of Death |
Cemetery Name |
Burial Plot |
Veteran |
Loges, Anna C | | 4/8/1887 | | 12/22/1955 | | Arlington Cemetery | | Section F Lot 1 | | | | | | | Loges, Donald Gene | | 6/12/1937 | | 6/7/1970 | | Arlington Cemetery | | Section A Lot 77 | | | | | Sp4 Co. A 249 Engr Bn. | | Loges, Elizabeth | | 2/16/1916 | | 3/13/2000 | | Arlington Cemetery | | Section A Lot 76 | | | | | | | Loges, Emiel Bernard | | 3/3/1878 | | 7/15/1878 | | God's Acre (St. Paul's) Cemetery | | Block 1 Lot 3 | | | | | | | Loges, Emil Theodore | | 11/12/1916 | | 2/14/1966 | | Arlington Cemetery | | Section F Lot 7 | | | | | brother of Peter | | Loges, Henry George | | 10/18/1882 | | 11/24/1937 | | Arlington Cemetery | | Section F Lot 1 | | | | | | | Loges, John J | | 9/11/1910 | | 5/2/1993 | | Arlington Cemetery | | Section A Lot 76 | | | | | | | Loges, Maria Cathrine | | 9/5/1844 | | 10/1/1908 | | Arlington Cemetery | | Section F Lot 1 | | | | | wife of Peter | | Loges, Myrtle | | 2/4/1921 | | 5/5/1998 | | Arlington Cemetery | | Section F Lot 1 | | | | | | | Loges, Peter | | 10/14/1835 | | 6/14/1897 | | Arlington Cemetery | | Section F Lot 1 | | | | | Co H 144 III Inf. | | Loges, William Peter | | 10/14/1886 | | 3/15/1949 | | Arlington Cemetery | | Section F Lot 1 | | | | | | |