Burials (excluding Blair) in Washington County, Nebraska

The following is a database of all burials in Washington County except Blair through the end of 2011. Updated records are forthcoming.

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Last Name: First Name:
Year of Birth: Year of Death:

Lorsch, Amelie9/23/189212/24/1895Allen (Pioneer Memorial) Cemetery15
daughter of L.C.F. and W. Lorsch
Lorsch, Carl5/24/188411/27/1885Allen (Pioneer Memorial) Cemetery15
son of L.C.F. and W. Lorsch
Lorsch, Carl H.1/22/189110/1/1956Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: I Block: 14 Grave: 6
Lorsch, Clara A.10/30/18879/9/1932Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: I Block: 14 Grave: 5
Lorsch, Fern3/10/18974/12/1983Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: I Block: 14 Grave: 8
Lorsch, Fritz1/24/188210/20/1967Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: D Block: 32 Grave: 6
Wed on 2 10 190
Lorsch, John C.//188810/19/1951Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: M Block: 139 Grave: 2
Lorsch, LeRoy A.01/03/194308/01/2018Kennard CemeteryBk 8 Lt. 28 Sp 5
Son of Arthur & Marjorie Loftis Lorsch Services 8-6-2018 at Grace Meth. Church, Kennard, NE FAG# 191905551
Lorsch, Louis10/12/18415/10/1917Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: D Block: 32 Grave: 2
Lorsch, Louis C.4/15/18764/22/1957Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: I Block: 17 Grave: 2
Lorsch, Marie8/9/188612/15/1895Allen (Pioneer Memorial) Cemetery15
daughter of L.C.F. and W. Lorsch
Lorsch, Martha4/10/188912/27/1969Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: D Block: 32 Grave: 7
Wed on 2 10 190
Lorsch, Matilda2/19/187712/30/1896Allen (Pioneer Memorial) Cemetery15
daughter of L.C.F. and W. Lorsch
Lorsch, Mildred7/8/191512/2/1915Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: I Block: 14 Grave: 7
Dgt of Carl and Clara Lorsch
Lorsch, Minnie A.10/31/188810/17/1977Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: M Block: 139 Grave: 1
Lorsch, Wilhelmina12/2/18508/23/1917Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: D Block: 32 Grave: 3
Lorsch, Wilhelminne3/10/18866/4/1966Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: I Block: 17 Grave: 1