Burials (excluding Blair) in Washington County, Nebraska
The following is a database of all burials in Washington County except Blair through the end of 2011. Updated records are forthcoming.
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Name of Deceased |
Date of Birth |
Date of Death |
Cemetery Name |
Burial Plot |
Veteran |
Meeves, Amanda | | 2/11/1891 | | 2/15/1980 | | German Cemetery | | Block 13 Lot 7 | | | | | wife of Will wed 61 years | | Meeves, Anna | | 1/16/1865 | | 5/19/1961 | | German Cemetery | | Block 23 Lot 7 | | | | | wife of Hans | | Meeves, Anna C | | 5/7/1893 | | 9/14/1970 | | German Cemetery | | Block 20 Lot 4 | | | | | wife of John | | Meeves, Carral H F | | 6/14/1926 | | 3/18/1927 | | German Cemetery | | Block 23 Lot 7 | | | | | | | Meeves, Ernst | | 5/1/1877 | | 7/6/1956 | | German Cemetery | | Block 13 Lot 5 | | | | | | | Meeves, Frieda M | | 7/19/1902 | | 9/26/1968 | | German Cemetery | | Block 23 Lot 7 | | | | | wife of Herman | | Meeves, Hans | | 9/11/1862 | | 10/19/1935 | | German Cemetery | | Block 23 Lot 7 | | | | | | | Meeves, Herman | | 10/24/1911 | | 9/30/1986 | | German Cemetery | | Block 23 Lot 7 | | | | | | | Meeves, Herman | | 7/30/1896 | | 7/5/1979 | | German Cemetery | | Block 23 Lot 7 | | | | | husband of Frieda M | | Meeves, Infant daughter | | 10/13/1918 | | 10/13/1918 | | German Cemetery | | Block 13 Lot 7 | | | | | | | Meeves, John | | 4/10/1889 | | 2/28/1985 | | German Cemetery | | Block 20 Lot 4 | | | | | husband of Anna C | | Meeves, Margaret L | | 4/24/1917 | | 2/3/1921 | | German Cemetery | | Block 13 Lot 7 | | | | | dau of William & Amanda | | Meeves, Merle | | // | | 11/22/2011 | | German Cemetery | | Block 23 Lot 7 | | | | | | | Meeves, Tina Brandt | | 4/1/1886 | | 12/24/1911 | | German Cemetery | | Block 13 Lot 5 | | | | | wife of Ernst | | Meeves, Wilfred H | | 2/19/1920 | | 9/8/1998 | | German Cemetery | | Block 13 Lot 6 | | | | | Cpl US Army WWII | | Meeves, Will | | 8/29/1890 | | 7/5/1977 | | German Cemetery | | Block 13 Lot 7 | | | | | | |