Burials (excluding Blair) in Washington County, Nebraska

The following is a database of all burials in Washington County except Blair through the end of 2011. Updated records are forthcoming.

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Last Name: First Name:
Year of Birth: Year of Death:

Hightree Miller, Eleanor Ann10/23/1928//Herman CemeteryPlot 33
no death date
Kronmiller, Dora9/24/18859/14/1977Arlington CemeterySection B Lot 7
Miller, Albert H7/24/188012/9/1943Lincoln CemeteryRow C No. 13 New Addition
son of Berthel & Lena
Miller, Alma9/23/18939/6/1979Lincoln CemeteryRow C No. 13 New Addition
Miller, Andreas3/14/189410/7/1895Lincoln CemeteryRow H No. 4
son of Hans T. Miller
Miller, Anna Margrete8/18/18189/26/1888Lincoln CemeteryRow G No. 20
b 8/18/1817 18 d 9/26 27/1888 Vig file/Dana Archives
Miller, Argenath9/17/17934//1867Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: F Block: 89
Wife of Eber Miller. Born in New Hampshire
Miller, Barbara G8/29/19305/2/1995Fontanelle Lutheran CemeterySection 2 Lot 6
1st. Lt US Army Korea
Miller, Bernard Leo7/30/19111/16/1991Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: N Block: 102 Grave: 2
Sgt. US Army WWII
Miller, Berthel P12/6/188811/16/1890Lincoln CemeteryRow C No 13 New Addition
son of Berthel & Lena
Miller, Berthel Peter2/23/185211/21/1932Lincoln CemeteryRow C No. 13 New Addition
Miller, Bethuel J.6/5/18631/6/1929Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: G Block: 6 Grave: 2
Miller, Bethuel Jesse6/8/18125/12/1897Fort Calhoun CemeterySection F Block 85 Grave 10
Miller, C. Wayne7/14/190411/3/1997Herman CemeteryPlot 33
Miller, Carl Everett8/20/191012/14/1920Arlington CemeterySection A Lot 44
Miller, Caroline Rasmussen1/29/189511/13/1918Lincoln CemeteryRow E No. 9
wife of Chris no tombstone
Miller, Charles E.9/3/187811/22/1957Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: I Block: 8 Grave: 7
Miller, Chas. A1/3/187611/15/1929Arlington CemeterySection A Lot 61
Miller, Christine5/31/18641/17/1945Kennard CemeteryBk 1 Lt 45 Sp 4
wife of Niels
Miller, Clayton L.8/20/192312/19/2012Fort Calhoun CemeterySection F Block 85 Grave 11
Miller, D. Maxine//1920//1999Herman CemeteryPlot 33
wife of Lester A.
Miller, David11/29/19628/1/2015Holy Cross (Catholic Church) CemeteryBlock 11, Lot 6, Space 11
Miller, David Adolph8/18/18209/5/1949Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: F Block: 85 Grave: 6
Miller, David Lawrence11/29/19628/1/2015Holy Cross (Catholic Church) CemeteryBlock 11, Lot 6, Space 11
Miller, Delmar P12/9/19149/12/1927Herman CemeteryPlot 1
Miller, DeLorise M.2/5/19281/4/1973Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: J Block: 165 Grave: 1
Miller, Dolores Marie (Matya)(Schroeder)10/2/19275/30/2011Holy Cross (Catholic Church) CemeteryBlock 9, Lot 1, Space 7
Miller, Dora M.1/26/18616/23/1948Herman CemeteryPlot 20
'mother'' wife of H. J. Miller'
Miller, Douglas M.3/8/188310/20/2013Fort Calhoun CemeterySection G Block 6 Grave 7
Miller, Edna M.4/1/19264/15/2014Holy Cross (Catholic Church) CemeteryBlock 14, Lot 11, Space 9
Miller, Edward10/2/18709/13/1939Vacoma CemeteryRow 4 Lot 3
husband of Magdalena
Miller, Edward Marvin12/7/19128/30/1987Kennard CemeteryBk 1 Lt 17 Sp 5
son of Elmer & Elsie Jahnel Miller
Miller, Eliza//193512/2/1910Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: F Block: 89 Grave: 1
Wife of Willard Miller 75 years old.
Miller, Elmer Magnus1/30/188610/28/1941Kennard CemeteryBk 1 Lt 17 Sp 3
Husband of Elsie Jahnel
Miller, Emma E7/18/188210/7/1963Herman CemeteryPlot 1
Miller, Erma (Ruschman)8/8/19107/11/1985Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: J Block: 189 Grave: 1
Miller, Etta Leanca12/3/187510/18/1930Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: F Block: 85 Grave: 7
Miller, Florence E2/3/19061/27/2000Herman CemeteryPlot 33
wife of C. Wayne Miller
Miller, Francis (Frank) Marvin//18417/16/1924Kennard CemeteryBk 5 Lt 20 Sp ?
no marker have obit
Miller, Frank H.//18834/18/1961Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: I Block: 230 Grave: 5
Miller, George W.9/3/18942/20/1923Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: G Block: 6 Grave: 4
Miller, Gerald E.08/25/193312/02/2019Fontanelle Lutheran CemeterySection 2 Lot 6
FAG# 207163185
Miller, H.J.9/2/18579/11/1923Herman CemeteryPlot 20
Miller, Harry William10//19146//1922Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: G Block: 6 Grave: 6
Miller, Harvey B.//1899//1949Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: G Block: 6 Grave: 1
Miller, Helen Alma1/10/19061/29/1962Kennard CemeteryBk 4 Lt 21 Sp 5
wife of Howard
Miller, Henry3/28/18581/17/1940German CemeteryBlock 24 Lot 7
Miller, Henry C.11/19/188411/8/1919Herman CemeteryPlot 20
Miller, Henry Eugene Jr2/13/19551/5/2018Holy Cross (Catholic Church) CemeteryBlock 7, Lot 3, Space 5
Miller, Herman C11/26/18991/10/1954Vacoma CemeteryRow 4 Lot 3
Miller, Homer A//18993/29/1966Arlington CemeterySection A Lot 57
Miller, Howard B.8/26/19058/19/1984Kennard CemeteryBk 4 Lt 21 Sp 6
Miller, Ida Mae//9/5/1891Kennard CemeteryBk 5 Lt 20 Sp 3
25y 3m 9d dau of FM & SA
Miller, J. Henry5/24/18787/14/1969Kennard CemeteryBk 4 Lt 21 Sp 4
Miller, Jacob//7/12/1888New England Cemetery
Miller, Jan (Marden)1/2/19515/22/1982Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: J Block: 187 Grave: 4
Miller, Jean////Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: K Block: 186 Grave: 5
Miller, Jeanette K.7/25/19282/27/1995Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: Q Block: 37 Grave: 7
Miller, Jens Sorensen9/4/189010/13/1895Lincoln CemeteryRow H No. 4
son of Hans T. Miller
Miller, Johannes12/20/18629/4/1914German CemeteryBlock 24 Lot 7
Miller, John Creighton//19118/9/1954Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: I Block: 8 Grave: 3
Miller, John H. Jr.6/3/19041/26/1974Kennard CemeteryBk 4 Lt 21 Sp 1
Miller, John P.//19244/3/2004Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: K Block: 186 Grave: 6
Miller, Josephine3/6/189111/14/1983Arlington CemeterySection M Lot 4
Miller, Juanita M.2/3/192412/18/2014Fort Calhoun CemeterySection F Block 85 Grave 12
Miller, Judson Irving4/13/189110/11/1960Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: R Block: 1 Grave: 1
NE WWI SPC Coe 408 Telegraph BN
Miller, Judson W.6/27/186411/13/1883Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: F Block: 89 Grave: 3
Son of Willard and E. Miller
Miller, Judy Ann05/15/195209/01/2014Kennard CemeteryBk 8 Lt 43 Sp 3
Parents: Shelby Arthur Miller & Gladys L. Clement, Robert Plugge, step-father
Miller, Katherine Adele1/23/18805/10/1952Kennard CemeteryBk 4 Lt 21 Sp 3
wife of J. Henry
Miller, Laura//1/9/1926Kennard CemeteryBk 5 Lt 20
Wife of Frank Miller
Miller, Lena Oberbrinkmann8/25/18555/13/1929Lincoln CemeteryRow C No. 13 New Addition
wife of Berthel P
Miller, Leonard N. Dr.7/2/18871/21/1910Kennard CemeteryBk 1 Lt 45 Sp 5
Miller, Lester A//1918//1972Herman CemeteryPlot 33
Miller, Louella10/23/187611/1/1876Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: F Block: 89
Dgt of W.F. and E. Miller. 9 days old
Miller, Mabel7/14/18798/19/1880Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: F Block: 89
1 yr 1month 5 days. On Miller plot
Miller, Magdalena3/12/187412/4/1920Vacoma CemeteryRow 4 Lot 3
wife of Edward
Miller, Marie A.//18867/21/1964Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: I Block: 230 Grave: 6
Miller, Minnie11/2/18801/7/1968Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: I Block: 8
Miller, Monica Frances//18983/27/1987Arlington CemeterySection A Lot 57
Miller, Niels9/7/185712/6/1898Kennard CemeteryBk 1 Lt 45 Sp 1
Miller, Peter A6/6/18781/8/1929Herman CemeteryPlot 1
Miller, Rhoda M. ( Hulse)5/1/18731/16/1911Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: G Block: 6 Grave: 3
Miller, Roland D.5/21/192712/17/2001Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: Q Block: 37 Grave: 8
Miller, Rose A.//191312/15/1958Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: I Block: 8 Grave: 4
Miller, Roy//1917//1917Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: F Block: 85 Grave: 8
Miller, Ruth M.//191310/17/1966Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: R Block: 7 Grave: 8
Miller, Stella May8/21/18854/5/1974Arlington CemeterySection A Lot 5
Miller, Teresa A.4/30/19633/6/2007Arlington CemeterySection S Lot 12
mother of Jeremy Janacek Zachary Miller Ashley Clements Desiree Larson
Miller, Thelma O.3/30/19017/3/1902Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: G Block: 6 Grave: 5
Dgt of R.M. and B.J. Miller. 1 yr 3 mo 3 days
Miller, Timothy Leo1/13/194712/31/1999Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: N Block: 102 Grave: 3
SP5 US Army Vietnam
Miller, Willard9/19/193710/2/2016Blair CemeteryBlock 109, Lot 21, Grave 4
Miller, Willard F.6/4/182710/7/1900Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: F Block: 89 Grave: 2
Miller, William4/12/192710/21/2007Holy Cross (Catholic Church) CemeteryBlock 14, Lot 11, Space 10
Miller, Wm. F.5/9/188812/30/1932Herman CemeteryPlot 20
Pepmiller, Baby//1924//1924Fontanelle Pioneer (Hartung) Cemetery
buried on Stewart lot; d. 1924 or 1925 5 mo from Vig file/Dana Archives
Peppmiller, August Henry10/29/18757/8/1952Fontanelle Lutheran CemeterySection 3 Lot 16
on Boschult Plot
Peppmiller, Friedericka C.3/8/18793/15/1973Fontanelle Lutheran CemeterySection 3 Lot 16
on Boschult Plot