Burials (excluding Blair) in Washington County, Nebraska
The following is a database of all burials in Washington County except Blair through the end of 2011. Updated records are forthcoming.
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Name of Deceased |
Date of Birth |
Date of Death |
Cemetery Name |
Burial Plot |
Veteran |
Monke, Hanna Friederika | | 12/8/1827 | | 1/30/1905 | | Telbasta Cemetery | | Section 2 Lot 31 | | | | | wife of Johann H | | Monke, Helen M. | | 10/25/1938 | | 11/03/2017 | | Fontanelle Lutheran Cemetery | | Section 1 Lot 2 | | | | | Married to William L. "Bill" Monke on 28 Nov 1975; | | Monke, Henry S | | 4/1/1869 | | 6/1/1947 | | Telbasta Cemetery | | Section 2 Lot 31 | | | | | husband of Lena | | Monke, Jacob David | | 9/20/1981 | | 6/18/2008 | | Telbasta Cemetery | | Section 2 Lot 31 | | | | | Parents: David & Sheila Monke | | Monke, Johann Heinrich | | 3/21/1830 | | 12/12/1916 | | Telbasta Cemetery | | Section 2 Lot 31 | | | | | husband of Hannah | | Monke, Lena | | 9/30/1877 | | 12/12/1972 | | Telbasta Cemetery | | Section 2 Lot 31 | | | | | | | Monke, Luther | | 12/1/1902 | | 9/12/1981 | | Fontanelle Lutheran Cemetery | | Section 2 Lot 8 | | | | | | | Monke, Robert "Bob" | | 11/30/1932 | | 4/4/2015 | | Fontanelle Lutheran Cemetery | | Section 2 Lot 1 NE 1/4 | | | | | Parents: Luther & Wilmeth (Williams) Monke | | Monke, William L | | 2/8/1930 | | 5/1/2005 | | Fontanelle Lutheran Cemetery | | Section 1 Lot 2 | | | | | Married to Helen M. 28 Nov 1975; FAG# 111293728 | | Monke, Wilmeth | | 7/17/1907 | | 1/25/1995 | | Fontanelle Lutheran Cemetery | | Section 2 Lot 8 | | | | | | |