Burials (excluding Blair) in Washington County, Nebraska

The following is a database of all burials in Washington County except Blair through the end of 2011. Updated records are forthcoming.

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Last Name: First Name:
Year of Birth: Year of Death:

Niemann, August Edward5/13/186512/29/1915God's Acre (St. Paul's) CemeteryBlock 6 Lot 1
Niemann, August F.3/14/188210/15/1912God's Acre (St. Paul's) CemeteryBlock 6 Lot 1
Niemann, Casper H4/8/18312/1/1900God's Acre (St. Paul's) CemeteryBlock 6 Lot 1
Niemann, Frank3/13/187811/27/1884Fontanelle Pioneer (Hartung) Cemetery
Niemann, Fred6/2/18723/23/1873Fontanelle Pioneer (Hartung) Cemetery
Niemann, Hannah W.11/29/183912/3/1928God's Acre (St. Paul's) CemeteryBlock 6 Lot 1
Niemann, Henry F.4/29/18748/27/1952God's Acre (St. Paul's) CemeteryBlock 6 Lot 1
husband of Lizzie M.
Niemann, Lizzie M.1/30/18836/29/1966God's Acre (St. Paul's) CemeteryBlock 6 Lot 1
wife of Henry F.
Niemann, Marie S10/10/18529/10/1941German CemeteryBlock 12 Lot 8
Niemann, Matilda3/21/18704/5/1871Fontanelle Pioneer (Hartung) Cemetery
Niemann, Willie4/11/18814/22/1881Fontanelle Pioneer (Hartung) Cemetery