Burials (excluding Blair) in Washington County, Nebraska
The following is a database of all burials in Washington County except Blair through the end of 2011. Updated records are forthcoming.
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Name of Deceased |
Date of Birth |
Date of Death |
Cemetery Name |
Burial Plot |
Veteran |
Panning, Anna L. | | //1876 | | //1949 | | Immanuel Lutheran Cemetery | | Block 3 Lot 9 | | | | | | | Panning, Arlan D. | | 12/3/1924 | | 11/23/1991 | | Immanuel Lutheran Cemetery | | Block 6 Lot 11 | | | | | 1st Lt. US Army Air Corps WW II | | Panning, Arthur G. | | 5/20/1910 | | 4/29/1998 | | Immanuel Lutheran Cemetery | | Block 3 Lot 12 | | | | | Cpl. US Army WW II | | Panning, Baby | | 1/29/1936 | | 1/29/1936 | | Immanuel Lutheran Cemetery | | Block 7 Lot 2 | | | | | infant daughter of Norma & Theo Panning (grave shows 01/23/1936) | | Panning, Edna M. | | 6/27/1923 | | 6/29/2016 | | Immanuel Lutheran Cemetery | | | | | | | Wife of Irvin Panning | | Panning, Ernest H. | | //1882 | | //1959 | | Immanuel Lutheran Cemetery | | Block 7 Lot 9 | | | | | | | Panning, Henry F. | | //1877 | | //1938 | | Immanuel Lutheran Cemetery | | Block 3 Lot 9 | | | | | | | Panning, Irvin W. | | 5/21/1919 | | 3/14/1998 | | Immanuel Lutheran Cemetery | | Block 4 Lot 1 | | | | | | | Panning, Louis A. | | 1/20/1906 | | 9/10/1994 | | Immanuel Lutheran Cemetery | | Block 7 Lot 6 | | | | | | | Panning, Lydia A. | | //1889 | | //1970 | | Immanuel Lutheran Cemetery | | Block 7 Lot 9 | | | | | | | Panning, Mildreth M. | | 4/14/1909 | | 6/5/1961 | | Immanuel Lutheran Cemetery | | Block 3 Lot 9 | | | | | | | Panning, Norma D.K. | | 5/15/1911 | | 12/29/1977 | | Immanuel Lutheran Cemetery | | Block 7 Lot 2 | | | | | | | Panning, Otis A.F. | | 4/6/1904 | | 5/4/1982 | | Immanuel Lutheran Cemetery | | Block 3 Lot 9 | | | | | | | Panning, Theodore W. | | 8/28/1908 | | 9/20/2000 | | Immanuel Lutheran Cemetery | | Block 7 Lot 2 | | | | | | | Panning, Zelma C. | | 1/9/1911 | | 6/29/1994 | | Immanuel Lutheran Cemetery | | Block 7 Lot 9 | | | | | | |