Burials (excluding Blair) in Washington County, Nebraska
The following is a database of all burials in Washington County except Blair through the end of 2011. Updated records are forthcoming.
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Name of Deceased |
Date of Birth |
Date of Death |
Cemetery Name |
Burial Plot |
Veteran |
Ruwe, Adeline L | | 10/23/1895 | | 11/14/1992 | | Fontanelle Lutheran Cemetery | | Section 5 Lot 8 | | | | | wife of Howard | | Ruwe, Anna | | 6/3/1854 | | 11/4/1919 | | Vacoma Cemetery | | Row 2 Lot 2 | | | | | wife of Henry | | Ruwe, August | | 8/8/1874 | | 5/14/1935 | | Vacoma Cemetery | | | | | | | All information from Vig file/Dana Archives | | Ruwe, August | | 8/8/1874 | | 5/4/1935 | | Fontanelle Lutheran Cemetery | | Section 2 Lot 4 | | | | | | | Ruwe, August H | | 7/18/1862 | | 7/16/1927 | | Fontanelle Lutheran Cemetery | | Section 4 Lot 6 | | | | | | | Ruwe, August H | | 3/12/1836 | | 11/5/1920 | | Fontanelle Lutheran Cemetery | | Section 4 Lot 21 | | | | | Civil War | | Ruwe, August W | | 12/8/1907 | | 5/24/1977 | | Fontanelle Lutheran Cemetery | | Section 2 Lot 4 | | | | | | | Ruwe, Chris E | | 9/11/1908 | | 3/22/1996 | | Fontanelle Lutheran Cemetery | | Section 2 Lot 13 | | | | | husband of Helen M | | Ruwe, Delmar P.C. | | 2/8/1907 | | 11/3/1977 | | Herman Cemetery | | Plot 33 | | | | | husband of Lura E. | | Ruwe, Emma Toft | | 3/29/1881 | | 12/22/1972 | | Arlington Cemetery | | Section H Lot 3 | | | | | | | Ruwe, F C | | 5/23/1877 | | 2/17/1930 | | Vacoma Cemetery | | Row 2 Lot 2 | | | | | | | Ruwe, Frederieka | | 2/16/1878 | | 8/15/1927 | | Fontanelle Lutheran Cemetery | | Section 3 Lot 15 | | | | | wife of Wm H
b 1878 or 1879 | | Ruwe, Gustava (Mother) | | 8/23/1844 | | 3/25/1925 | | Vacoma Cemetery | | Row 2 Lot 3 | | | | | wife of William | | Ruwe, Harlan J A | | 5/12/1910 | | 11/7/1984 | | Fontanelle Lutheran Cemetery | | Section 5 Lot 12 | | | | | | | Ruwe, Helen M | | 2/10/1910 | | 5/7/1977 | | Fontanelle Lutheran Cemetery | | Section 2 Lot 10 | | | | | wife of Chris E | | Ruwe, Henrietta | | 10/6/1841 | | 11/2/1915 | | Fontanelle Lutheran Cemetery | | Section 3 Lot 15 | | | | | wife of Johann Christopher | | Ruwe, Henrietta | | 10/27/1909 | | 6/12/2008 | | Fontanelle Lutheran Cemetery | | Section 2 Lot 8 | | | | | wife of Melvin | | Ruwe, Henry | | 6/12/1843 | | 3/26/1904 | | Vacoma Cemetery | | Row 2 Lot 2 | | | | | husband of Anna | | Ruwe, Henry A. | | //1871 | | //1961 | | Telbasta Cemetery | | Section 1 Lot 1 | | | | | | | Ruwe, Herman C | | 2/21/1876 | | 2/11/1932 | | Fontanelle Lutheran Cemetery | | Section 5 Lot 12 | | | | | husband of Ida | | Ruwe, Howard J | | 3/25/1895 | | 2/9/1984 | | Fontanelle Lutheran Cemetery | | Section 5 Lot 8 | | | | | | | Ruwe, Ida | | 9/11/1881 | | 10/27/1965 | | Fontanelle Lutheran Cemetery | | Section 5 Lot 12 | | | | | | | Ruwe, Johann Christopher | | 10/28/1829 | | 9/11/1902 | | Fontanelle Lutheran Cemetery | | Section 3 Lot 15 | | | | | | | Ruwe, Johann Freidrich | | 1/5/1866 | | 2/11/1887 | | Fontanelle Lutheran Cemetery | | Section 3 Lot 15 | | | | | son of Johann Christpoher Ruwe | | Ruwe, John F | | 7/1/1875 | | 5/13/1910 | | Fontanelle Lutheran Cemetery | | Section 4 Lot 21 | | | | | son of August H | | Ruwe, Leland E G | | 1/22/1903 | | 10/30/1987 | | Fontanelle Lutheran Cemetery | | Section 2 Lot 4 | | | | | | | Ruwe, Lois Marie | | 12/31/1935 | | 12/31/1935 | | Fontanelle Lutheran Cemetery | | Section 5 Lot 8 | | | | | twin of Mary Lou | | Ruwe, Louis | | 7/28/1880 | | 8/26/1880 | | Fontanelle Lutheran Cemetery | | Section 3 Lot 15 | | | | | son of Johann Christpoher Ruwe | | Ruwe, Martha M. | | //1875 | | //1942 | | Telbasta Cemetery | | Section 1 Lot 1 | | | | | b 9 28 1875 d 12 22 1942 Vig file/Dana Archives | | Ruwe, Mary Lou | | 12/31/1935 | | 7/19/1939 | | Fontanelle Lutheran Cemetery | | Section 5 Lot 8 | | | | | twin of Lois Marie | | Ruwe, Mathilda | | 5/6/1878 | | 4/16/1969 | | Fontanelle Lutheran Cemetery | | Section 2 Lot 4 | | | | | | | Ruwe, Melvin A | | 7/7/1906 | | 2/7/1994 | | Fontanelle Lutheran Cemetery | | Section 2 Lot 8 | | | | | | | Ruwe, Mildred A P | | 11/18/1914 | | 1/26/2003 | | Fontanelle Lutheran Cemetery | | Section 2 Lot 4 | | | | | | | Ruwe, Wilhelmina | | 2/14/1871 | | 12/29/1950 | | Fontanelle Lutheran Cemetery | | Section 4 Lot 6 | | | | | | | Ruwe, William | | 2/26/1846 | | 2/4/1905 | | Vacoma Cemetery | | Row 2 Lot 3 | | | | | husband of Gustava | | Ruwe, William H | | 4/4/1878 | | 9/19/1938 | | Fontanelle Lutheran Cemetery | | Section 3 Lot 15 | | | | | husband of Frederieka | |