Burials (excluding Blair) in Washington County, Nebraska
The following is a database of all burials in Washington County except Blair through the end of 2011. Updated records are forthcoming.
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Name of Deceased |
Date of Birth |
Date of Death |
Cemetery Name |
Burial Plot |
Veteran |
Schurman, Adolph C | | 4/19/1868 | | 10/14/1956 | | Fontanelle Lutheran Cemetery | | Section 4 Lot 11 | | | | | | | Schurman, Adolph W. | | //1908 | | //1979 | | Immanuel Lutheran Cemetery | | Block 6 Lot 4 | | | | | | | Schurman, Clara L | | 6/11/1902 | | 1/3/2002 | | Fontanelle Lutheran Cemetery | | Section 4 Lot 11 | | | | | | | Schurman, Ezra C A | | 1/19/1903 | | 9/13/1904 | | Fontanelle Lutheran Cemetery | | Section 4 Lot 11 | | | | | son of Adolph & Julia | | Schurman, Fred W | | 11/8/1896 | | 11/15/1972 | | Fontanelle Lutheran Cemetery | | Section 5 Lot 17 | | | | | Wed to Meta A Sept 18 1935 Nebr Cpl 488 Motor Trk Co QMC WW I | | Schurman, Gertrude E. | | 6/15/1902 | | 11/6/1999 | | Immanuel Lutheran Cemetery | | Block 7 Lot 10 | | | | | | | Schurman, Infant | | 4/25/1935 | | 4/25/1935 | | Fontanelle Lutheran Cemetery | | Section 4 Lot 11 | | | | | Infant son of Kermit & Clara Schurman | | Schurman, Julia B | | 10/20/1876 | | 6/16/1935 | | Fontanelle Lutheran Cemetery | | Section 4 Lot 11 | | | | | | | Schurman, Kermit W | | 11/23/1905 | | 4/14/2002 | | Fontanelle Lutheran Cemetery | | Section 4 Lot 11 | | | | | | | Schurman, LaVera E. | | //1919 | | //1967 | | Immanuel Lutheran Cemetery | | Block 6 Lot 4 | | | | | | | Schurman, Meta A | | 5/15/1911 | | 9/17/2003 | | Fontanelle Lutheran Cemetery | | Section 5 Lot 17 | | | | | married 9 18 1935 to Fredrick W | | Schurman, Rheinhardt | | 7/3/1898 | | 10/27/1977 | | Fontanelle Lutheran Cemetery | | Section 4 Lot 11 | | | | | US Navy WW I | | Schurman, Winfreth A. | | 1/11/1901 | | 11/13/1982 | | Immanuel Lutheran Cemetery | | Block 6 Lot 10 | | | | | | | Schurmann, S | | 4/19/1801 | | 4/20/1868 | | Fontanelle Pioneer (Hartung) Cemetery | | | | | | | | |