Burials (excluding Blair) in Washington County, Nebraska
The following is a database of all burials in Washington County except Blair through the end of 2011. Updated records are forthcoming.
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Name of Deceased |
Date of Birth |
Date of Death |
Cemetery Name |
Burial Plot |
Veteran |
Skinner, Beverly J | | 1/10/1931 | | 5/25/2011 | | Lincoln Cemetery | | Row C No. 10 New Addition | | | | | South half of Lot 10; wife of Marion | | Skinner, Edith James | | 2/9/1915 | | 1/6/1974 | | Herman Cemetery | | Plot 27 | | | | | | | Skinner, Emma L | | 1/15/1889 | | 7/5/1959 | | Herman Cemetery | | Plot 12 | | | | | wife of John; Amer. Legion Aux. | | Skinner, Iona L. | | 1/21/1911 | | // | | Herman Cemetery | | Plot 12 | | | | | Eastern Star | | Skinner, James | | 12/29/1896 | | 5/16/1987 | | Herman Cemetery | | Plot 12 | | | | | ''Old Jim''' | | Skinner, John | | //1869 | | //1918 | | Herman Cemetery | | Plot 12 | | | | | Veteran; Company E 59 Infantry Buried in France | | Skinner, John | | 9/6/1892 | | 5/2/1981 | | Herman Cemetery | | Plot 12 | | | | | WWI 1917 1918 | | Skinner, Marion | | 3/17/1929 | | 2/17/2020 | | Lincoln Cemetery | | Row C, Lot 10, New Addition | | | | | Husband of Beverly
Veteran | | Skinner, Minnie | | 11/23/1870 | | 2/2/1953 | | Herman Cemetery | | Plot 12 | | | | | wife of John b. 1869 | | Skinner, Robert | | 8/29/1913 | | 5/29/1994 | | Herman Cemetery | | Plot 27 | | | | | | | Skinner, Thomas | | //1894 | | //1918 | | Herman Cemetery | | Plot 12 | | | | | Co E 59 INFT buried in France' | | Skinner, Tommy Paul | | 3/7/1963 | | 9/15/1966 | | Herman Cemetery | | Plot 27 | | | | | | | Skinner, William | | 1/12/1916 | | 4/8/2001 | | Herman Cemetery | | Plot 12 | | | | | Mason | |