Burials (excluding Blair) in Washington County, Nebraska

The following is a database of all burials in Washington County except Blair through the end of 2011. Updated records are forthcoming.

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Slayback, Ada9/3/19029/3/1902Kennard CemeteryBk 3 Lt 48 Sp 3
Slayback, Frankey B.10/5/18721/16/1898Kennard CemeteryBk 3 Lt 48 Sp 4
son of TS & M (Dunkle)
Slayback, Lottie B.3/4/18813/20/1882Kennard CemeteryBk 3 Lt 48 Sp 5
Slayback, Thomas////Kennard CemeteryBk 3 Lt 48 Sp 2
GAR Co A 69th OH Inf b3 10 1843 d 4 27 1898 Vig file/Dana Archives