Burials (excluding Blair) in Washington County, Nebraska

The following is a database of all burials in Washington County except Blair through the end of 2011. Updated records are forthcoming.

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Stratbucker, Baby////Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: I Block: 12
No dates. Homemade marker.
Stratbucker, Catherine Francis////Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: I Block: 12 Grave: 7
Stratbucker, Frank D.9/7/19261/17/1998Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: L Block: 179
Stratbucker, Gertrude2/26/19026/4/1981Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: L Block: 179 Grave: 6
Stratbucker, Ida Johanna8/11/19098/27/1991Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: L Block: 11C Grave: 6
Stratbucker, Iona Rosel7/1/19351/23/2016Fort Calhoun CemeterySection D Block 28 Grave 1
Stratbucker, Joseph6/8/19049/11/1976Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: L Block: 11C Grave: 5
Stratbucker, Katherine Louise5/5/19294/10/1930Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: I Block: 12
Stratbucker, William10/27/19005/8/1976Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: L Block: 179 Grave: 5
Born in Germany
Stratbucker, William E.8/24/19316/23/1997Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: K Block: 215 Grave: 4
Married 9 17 1952