Burials (excluding Blair) in Washington County, Nebraska
The following is a database of all burials in Washington County except Blair through the end of 2011. Updated records are forthcoming.
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Name of Deceased |
Date of Birth |
Date of Death |
Cemetery Name |
Burial Plot |
Veteran |
Thompson or Thomsen, Earl (infant) | | 10/21/1925 | | 10/21/1925 | | Lincoln Cemetery | | Row I No. 25 | | | | | All info Vig file/Dana Archives | | Thomsen, Anders Oliver | | 2/12/1909 | | 7/31/1935 | | Lincoln Cemetery | | Row D No. 1 | | | | | | | Thomsen, Edward | | 8/2/1915 | | 3/24/1972 | | Arlington Cemetery | | Section K Lot 3 | | | | | | | Thomsen, Harold O | | 8/13/1917 | | 3/11/1984 | | Arlington Cemetery | | Section K Lot 3 | | | | | | | Thomsen, Helen M | | 8/29/1918 | | 12/3/1993 | | Arlington Cemetery | | Section K Lot 3 | | | | | | | Thomsen , Herman | | 9/17/1892 | | 2/2/1951 | | Holy Cross (Catholic Church) Cemetery | | Blk 9 Lot 11 Sp 11&12 | | | | | | | Thomsen, Lena | | 8/5/1859 | | 2/5/1894 | | German Cemetery | | Block 15 Lot 7 | | | | | wife of Carl Thomsen | | Thomsen , Mae H. | | 1/30/1896 | | 12/19/1989 | | Holy Cross (Catholic Church) Cemetery | | Blk 9 Lot 11 Sp 10&11 | | | | | | | Thomsen, Matilda | | 9/6/1892 | | 5/13/1947 | | Arlington Cemetery | | Section K Lot 3 | | | | | | | Thomsen, Peter | | 7/8/1893 | | 3/23/1945 | | Arlington Cemetery | | Section K Lot 3 | | | | | | | Thomsen, Stuart | | 2/16/1952 | | 7/30/1996 | | Arlington Cemetery | | Section J Lot 10 | | | | | | |