Burials (excluding Blair) in Washington County, Nebraska

The following is a database of all burials in Washington County except Blair through the end of 2011. Updated records are forthcoming.

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Last Name: First Name:
Year of Birth: Year of Death:

Schwager, Alvena6/13/18812/12/1882Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: A Block: 121 Grave: 7
Schwager, Anna S.2/27/188911/3/1890Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: A Block: 121 Grave: 8
Schwager, Charles Fredrick3/28/18747/22/1936Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: A Block: 121 Grave: 13
Next to Katherine Schwager
Schwager, Claus H.5/21/184011/25/1918Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: D Block: 38 Grave: 8
Schwager, Emil12/5/18824/28/1884Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: A Block: 121 Grave: ?
Schwager, Hans D.11/1/184212/7/1914Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: A Block: 121 Grave: 4
Schwager, Henry10/8/18726/13/1874Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: A Block: 121 Grave: 12
Schwager, Jurgen H.4/13/18039/19/1882Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: A Block: 121 Grave: 6
Schwager, Katherine Irene1/15/18818/27/1954Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: A Block: 121 Grave: ?
Next to Charles Fredrick
Schwager, Margaretha C.12/21/18475/3/1932Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: A Block: 121 Grave: 5
Wife of Hans Schwager;
Schwager, Maria C.4/26/18491/18/1915Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: D Block: 38 Grave: 7
Wager, Carrie11/22/18628/7/1932Arlington CemeterySection E Lot 9
Wager, Carroll LaClare4/6/19006/24/1903Arlington CemeterySection E Lot 9
Wager, Ernest8/2/18598/21/1946Arlington CemeterySection E Lot 9
Wager, Harold Dean4/8/18954/5/1897Arlington CemeterySection E Lot 9
Wager, Marian C2/28/19047/26/1997Arlington CemeterySection E Lot 9
Wager, Vernon G1/5/18973/26/1967Arlington CemeterySection E Lot 9
Wagers, Adolphus A.9/7/18523/7/1920Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: E Block: 71 Grave: 5
Wagers, Dorothy M.8/11/19242/5/1925Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: M Block: 134 Grave: 1
Wagers, John A.12/18/19279/8/1930Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: M Block: 134 Grave: 2
Wagers, Levingston L.3/21/18425/22/1912Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: H Block: 25 Grave: 14
GAR Marker Civil War
Wagers, Magdalena E.10/27/18662/25/1958Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: E Block: 71 Grave: 6
Wagers, Nancy J.4/29/18422/9/1923Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: H Block: 25 Grave: 13
Wife of Levington Wagers.