Tribune 9 Dec 1908
Charles McMenemy died at his home in Omaha at three o’clock Thursday morning. Mr. McMenemy had failed in health for upwards of two years and during the last seven months had been confined to the house practically all the time. The body was brought to Blair on the afternoon train Monday and met by many friends of Odd Fellows, who took charge of the services at the grave. Rev. Mackey accompanied the family up from Omaha. Mr. McMenemy was the youngest of a family of nineteen children but became separated from them in early life, and in later years found a widow sister living in Iowa. He leaves to mourn his loss his wife, three daughters and one son. One of the daughters lives in Colorado and one in Rockford, Ill. The son and other daughter are living at home. Mr. McMenemy was sixty-five years old and had lived for many years in Blair, his last visit here being at the time of the funeral of Theo. Haller.
Blair Democrat 10 Dec 1908
C. M’Menemy Passes Away
The people of this community were pained last Saturday to learn of the death of their former townsman, C. McMenemy, which took place at his home in Omaha early that morning.
Mr. McMenemy was born in Kingstree, South Carolina, July 15, 1843, and spent his boyhood days in the south but when the war broke out he enlisted in a New York regiment and served during the entire war. He came to Omaha in 1867 and remained there one year, after which he located in DeSoto, where he stayed until Blair was laid out and came to this city when the majority of DeSoto moved here. In 1877 he was married to Mary E. Fawcett a daughter of Dr. and Mrs. S. A. Fawcett, in this city, and to them were born six children, three girls and three boys. Two of the boys died while quite young.
Mr. McMenemy was a member of the G.A.R. post of this city and also a member of the Odd Fellows lodge, under whose auspices the services were conducted at the cemetery Monday afternoon. Funeral services were held at the home in Omaha Monday morning by Rev. Mackey, and the remains brought to Blair for burial.
It was in the spring of 1905 that the McMenemy family moved to Omaha where they have since made their home and where two of the daughters have been married. Mr. McMenemy was a large land owner having made real estate his business for a number of years. He was a man well liked by all who knew him and one whose dealings were always fair and just and whose memory will be cherished for years to come by those who in the past have received many favors and helps at his generous hands.
The Democrat wishes to extend its sympathy to the family in their hour of bereavement in the loss of a kind and loving husband and father.
Pilot Tribune 26 Feb 2008
120 years ago (1888)
Charles, 6 and Silas, 5, children of Mr. and Mrs. C. McMenemy, died two days apart. Both were victims of diphtheria. They were buried in adjoining graves in Blair Cemetery.
Note: Blair Cemetery listing has: Charles E. born 7 April 1882, died 20 Feb 1888, buried Blk 34 Lot 10 Grave 7.
Silas E born 12 Aug 1883; Died 22 Feb 1888; Buried Blk 34 Lot 10 Gr 8
~~~ Obituary courtesy of the Washington County Genealogical Society. Newspaper clippings on file in the Blair Public Library at Blair, Nebraska.~~~
Note: Charles was in the 20th NY Inf. Co F or K in the Civil War. He is buried in the Blair Cemetery Blk 34 Lot 10 Grave 11.