Since the exact death date was not given, the date of a newspaper article was used. Published in The Pilot, March 21, 1923
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Dimmick lost their little daughter, Icis Lueka yesterday of Brights’ disease, following scarlet fever. She had been sick over five weeks. Interment was in the Blair cemetery, where Rev. Arthur D. Smalley, pastor of the Baptist church, conducted a short service. Mr. Dimmick’s mother, Mrs. C. C. Dimmick, and brother, Roy, of Decatur, and his two sisters, Julia Dimmick and Mrs. L. J. Wolff, of Omaha, were here from out of town. Icis was born in Decatur April 24, 1915, so was nearing her 8th birthday. The bereaved parents and relatives have the sincere sympathy of their many friends.
# 2 - - from The Tribune, March 22, 1923
………………………..(words were cut off) , little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Dimmick, passed away at the family home in this city Tuesday after an extended illness of scarlet fever and pneumonia. The little girl was born at Decatur and came to this city with her parents two years ago, and was a bright and winsome child, exceptionally brilliant, and a favorite with all who knew her. She was 7 years, 10 months and 4 days old at the time of her death. She leaves her parents, two sisters, two brothers, her grandparents and other relatives and friends to mourn the loss of a sweet little girl. The funeral was private on account of the nature of the disease, at the home Wednesday afternoon, Rev. Arthur D. Smalley giving a short talk and spoke words of comfort to the sorrowing ones to whom the sympathy of the entire community is extended. Burial was made in the Blair cemetery.
#3 - -b22 Mar., 1923 - The Enterprise - Icis Louella Dimmick
The family of C. D. Dimmick of east Grant street was called upon to part with their little daughter, Icis Luella, who passed away last Tuesday afternoon at one o’clock after a five week siege of scarlet fever which later developed into dropsy and Bright’s disease.
The family has been under quarantine for scarlet fever for several weeks, one of the little boys being very ill also.
Little Icis was born April 24, 1915 at Decatur, Nebraska, and would have been eight years old next month. She was in the 3rd grade at school where she was a bright little pupil. She was the fourth child in a family of five children and leaves, besides her parents, two sisters, Una and Cristalena and two brothers, Austin and Lynn, besides a number of close relatives who mourn her early demise.
Funeral services were necessarily short on account of the nature of the disease; a prayer service by Rev. A. D. Smalley of the Baptist church at the grave being held on Wednesday afternoon at two o’clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Dimmick and family have lived in Blair but a few years, but have made many friends who sympathize with them in their hour of sorrow.