Printed in The Enterprise, 1970
Laurence T. Dillard, of 2043 Washington Street, died at Memorial Community Hospital Monday, March 16th following a brief illness. He had been taken suddenly ill at his home several days previously and had been taken to the hospital by the Blair Rescue Squad. He failed to recover.
Mr. Dillard was born at Lula, Mississippi March 20th, 1899 and was, therefore, almost 71 years of age. He came to Nebraska a number of years ago and was interested in alfalfa milling and dehydrating. As a young man he was a mill operator.
He owned the alfalfa dehydrating plant just north of Herman which has not operated for a number of years.
He is survived by his wife, Mabel, and by a son and two daughters. The son is Laurence Dillard, Jr., of Osceola, Arkansas. The daughters are Mrs. Mary Burrough, of Waco, Texas and Mrs. Martha Underwood of Savannah, Georgia.
A brother, J. J. Dillard, lives at Lexington, Nebraska. There are three sisters, Mrs. R. C. Bryan, of Osceola, Arkansas; Mrs. M. P. Higgins, of Menopolis, Tenn.; and Mrs. Franklin Holt, of Birmingham, Alabama. There are seven grandchildren.
Funeral services were held today, March 19th at the United Methodist Church at 9:00 A.M., the Rev. Richard Atherton conducting the service. Graveside services are being held at 3:30 this (Thursday) afternoon at Cozad,……………..(The rest is cut off.)