Shields, Herman 5/3/1923
1st obituary printed in the May 3, 1923 Tribune, Blair, Nebraska; death date from Blair Cemetery Records
Herman Shields Dies At His Home In Omaha
Just as The Tribune goes to press we learn of the death of Herman Shields, a former resident of this city, who has been living at 2566 Poppleton Avenue, Omaha, for the past twelve years.
About a year ago Mr. Shields suffered a stroke of paralysis and had seemingly almost regained his old time health, but was again stricken Wednesday evening about 10 o’clock. He never regained consciousness and passed away shortly after noon today.
Mr. Shields was an early settler of Blair, having married a daughter of the late Thos. Wilkinson, and lived here for a great many years on east Colfax street. Besides his wife he leaves a daughter, Mildred; also one grandchild, the daughter of the late Mrs. Clarence Simpson.
At the time our information was available no date had been set for the funeral, although it is quite certain that the remains will be brought to Blair for interment.
The many friends of the Shields family here will learn of Mr. Shields’ death with much regret and extend heartfelt sympathy to the family in their sudden bereavement.
2nd obituary printed in the May 9, 1923 Pilot, Blair, Nebraska
Herman Shields died at his home in Omaha very suddenly last Thursday from a second paralytic stroke. The funeral was held at the residence 2566 Poppleton Avenue, last Saturday afternoon, a number of old Blair friends being in attendance. Jas. E. Maher served as one of the pallbearers, the other five all being former Blair men, F.S. Howell, Herman Aye, F.H.Claridge, W.J. Cook and J.A. Linderholm. The service was conducted by Rev. Luther M. Kuhns, a boyhood friend. Mr. Shields was born in Keokuk, Ia., May 6th, 1858, so was almost 65 years of age. He came to this state with his parents in the early ‘60’s. Besides his wife, who is a sister of W.W. Wilkinson, of this city, he leaves one daughter, Mildred, a granddaughter, Luellla Simpson, three sisters and three brothers. The body was brought here and laid to rest in the Blair cemetery, where his daughter, Mrs. Clarence Simpson, is buried. Mr. Shields was a mason by trade and did a great deal of the mason work in and about Blair for many years. The bereaved family have the sincere sympathy of many friends.
3rd obituary printed in the May 10, 1923 Tribune, Blair, Nebraska
Herman Shields Laid To Rest In Blair Cemetery
All that was mortal of Herman Shields, an old time and highly respected citizen of Blair, was brought here from Omaha Saturday afternoon and laid to rest in the family lot in our beautiful city of the dead. The casket was borne to the grave by six of his long time friends: Frank S. Howell, W.J. Cook, J.A. Linderholm, and James E. Maher.
The floral offerings were beautiful and profuse, the last resting place being covered in an avalanche of blossoms.
Rev. Luther M. Kuhns, another friend of many years standing, conducted the obsequies. Surviving the deceased are his widow and one daughter, Mildred. One other daughter, Mrs. Clarence Simpson, passed away a few years ago, and she and the father now rest side by side.
4th-10 May, 1923 - The Enterprise
Herman Shields, who for years was a contractor in Blair and who is well know to all the early settlers of Blair, died at his home in Omaha on Thursday, May 3rd.
Deceased was born in Keokuk, Iowa in 1858, and came to Omaha when a boy where he grew to manhood, coming to Blair later. He was here through the early building booms and was a successful businessman.
About fourteen years ago he moved to Omaha where he has since resided and here he engaged in business. About a year ago he suffered a stroke of paralysis, but apparently had fully recovered and was again at work. On the evening of May 2nd, after a day’s work, he walked several blocks and that same evening suffered another stroke which caused his death.
He was married to Miss Emma Wilkinson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wilkinson, and to them two daughters were born, Mrs. Lucy Simpson, deceased wife of Clarence Simpson, and Miss Mildred, a young lady of about twenty years, who with the widowed wife are left to mourn their departed father and husband.
Three sisters of the deceased are still living, one living Omaha, one in Colorado and one in California.
Herman shields was a man of high ideals, a gentleman in all intents and purposes and has a wide circle of friends who hold him in the highest respect.
Funeral services were held from the home in Omaha on last Saturday, May 5th, at 1:30 p.m., and the body was brought to Blair where interment was made in the Blair cemetery. The pallbearers were all former Blair men who reside in Omaha, with the exception of Mr. James E. Maher. The following were the pallbearers: Mr. F. H. Claridge, Mr. Frank Howell, Mr. Herman Aye, Mr. Wesley J. Cook, Mr. J. A. Linderholm and Mr. James E. Maher.
~~~ Obituary courtesy of the Washington County Genealogical Society. Newspaper clippings on file in the Blair Public Library at Blair, Nebraska.~~~
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