Since the exact death date was not given, the date of the newspaper article was used. Printed in The Enterprise, January 31, 1924.
George Dexter, who was reported in last week’s Enterprise as being very low passed away on last Thursday at the University Hospital in Omaha.
Mr. Dexter was born in Blair in 1869 and was reared to manhood here, going with his parents to Oklahoma where he lived for several years and where he was married. Three daughters were born to Mr. and Mrs. Dexter, all whom, with the wife survive him.
The deceased was a son of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Dexter, who were pioneers of Blair. The father was a well-known contractor of early times and had much to do with the early building of the city. He, it was who platted and sold the lots now known as Dexterville.
The body was brought to Blair and on Saturday, funeral services were conducted by Rev. McProud at the Methodist Church and interment was made in the Blair cemetery.