Pilot 7 June 1916
Henry Herman Meyer, whose death occurred at Fremont June 2, was a prominent citizen of this community. He was born in Toledo, Ohio, Febr. 27, 1866. Before he was ten years old he was left an orphan boy by the death of his parents, who were natives of Switzerland. Working his own way, he came to Nebraska when he was 21 years of age. On May 30, 1894 he was married to Miss Addie Mendenhall at Nickerson. They settled on the Franklin farm near Nickerson where they made their home prior to their coming to their present home near here. In public life he has always been active. At the time of his death he was republican central committeeman of Fontanelle township and republican candidate for state senator from this district. He was also moderator of the school board and at different times in the past he has served in several other offices. He was widely known as a breeder of Poland-China hogs and had won many prizes on his exhibits at the various agricultural fairs in the past. He was a member of the Masonic, A.O.U.W. and M.W.A. lodges at the time of his death. His health had, apparently been good until he was stricken with kidney trouble, which turned into Bright’s disease. About four weeks ago he was taken to a Fremont hospital where he remained until his death. He is survived by his wife, four sons, Lewis, Vernon, Merle and Henry and one daughter, Esther. Other near surviving relatives are a sister, Mrs. Geo. Harrington, of Leadville, Colo., and one brother, Fred Meyer, of Prairie Depot, Ohio. Of a bright, happy disposition, he numbered as his friends those who knew hm. His happy smile and kind word will be missed by all and his death leaves a place in the community which can never be filled. Funeral services were held at the family residence at 12:00 o’clock on Monday and at 2:00 p.m. at the Methodist church in Hooper, Rev. W. H. Downing, of Gretna, officiating. Interment at the Hooper cemetery. The people of the community extend their sympathy to the sorrowing family in their bereavement.
Enterprise 9 June 1916
H. H. Meyer
Henry H. Meyer, a well-known progressive farmer of the Fontenelle neighborhood, died at a Fremont hospital, where he had been under treatment for kidney trouble for three weeks, on last Friday morning. Deceased received the nomination at the recent primaries as republican candidate for state senator for the senatorial district of Washington and Dodge counties and his selection for this responsible position gave encouraging promise of his election. He had just passed the half century mark in life and to all outward appearance was a robust, strong man with every indication of many years of useful endeavor ahead of him. He was prominent in the state as a breeder of pure-bred hogs and had been awarded many premiums at the state and other fairs in recent years for his exhibits in this line. Funeral services were held at the farm home on last Monday, under the auspices of the masonic fraternity, of which he was a member and the remains were taken to Hooper, near where he formerly lived, for interment.
Tribune 7 June 1916
H. H. Meyer Dead
H. H. Meyer, well known farmer and stock raiser, died at his farm home near Fontanelle on last Friday, a victim of acute Diabetes.
Mr. Meyer was a man of much ability and a large acquaintance and was at the time of his death a candidate on the republican ticket for state senator. He was an up-to-date farmer and had long specialized in fancy stock breeding.
It has been the privilege of the writer to have known Mr. Meyer for a number of years and to know him always as a real man and a friend.
The funeral services were held on Monday at the home and interment was made in the Hooper cemetery under the auspices of the Masonic lodge of which order he had long been a member.
Meyer, Henry H., 50
Published in Blair Democrat on 8 June 1916
One of the best-known republican politicians in Washington county died Friday morning at the Fremont hospital. He had been brought to the hospital three weeks ago, a sufferer from kidney trouble. His condition was not regarded as serious and his sudden demise came as a great shock to his family and friends.
H.H. Meyer resided on a farm a mile and a half north of Fontanelle. At the late primaries he was elected on the republican ticket as a candidate for the state legislature. Part of his life was spent in Dodge county where he enjoyed the friendship of thousands. He was a member of the Masonic fraternity and the burial was under the auspices of the lodge at Hooper where the body was interred Monday. Mr. Meyer was fifty years of age and is survived by a wife and four children. Prominent republicans from all over Dodge and Washington counties attended the funeral.
Henry Meyer was born near Toledo, Ohio, on February 27, 1866, of Swiss parentage. His parents died when he was about ten years old leaving him to fight the battle of life single handed. He came to Nebraska about 29 years ago and worked as a farm hand in Dodge county. On May 30, 1894, he was married to Miss Addie Mendhall, of Nickerson and settled on a farm near that city. About twelve years ago he moved with his family to the Niebaum farm, one mile northeast of Fontanelle where he resided until his death. Mr. Meyer made a specialty of raising fancy Poland China hogs and had a wide reputation as a breeder of fine brood stock. In politics he was a republican of the first water, and served on the central committee of that party for a number of years. His nomination as a candidate for state senator from Dodge and Washington counties showed the respect in which he was held by his fellow men. The deceased leaves behind a record as the highest type of citizen and Washington County mourns his departure from this vale of tears.
~~~ Obituary courtesy of the Washington County Genealogical Society. Newspaper clippings on file in the Blair Public Library at Blair, Nebraska.~~~