#1 Printed in the Wednesday, October 25, 1916 Tribune
On Monday morning Ben Price, a well-known citizen of this county, while busy doing his work about his farm home east of Blair, received a paralytic shock which rendered him partially unconscious and on Monday night a second shock. He is in a critical condition and but little hopes are held out for his recovery.
He has not been feeling well for some time but the shock was unexpected.
#2 Printed in the Wednesday, November 1, 1916 Tribune
Benjamin Price, well and favorably known around Blair, died at his home east of Blair October 30, 1916.
Mr. Price was born in Ohio, Oct. 2, 1864 and was married to Miss Ella Beekman in 1892.
Funeral services were held at the M.E. Church this afternoon and interment made in the Blair cemetery, Rev. Underwood officiating.
Deceased leaves a wife and daughter and one sister to mourn his loss.
#3 Pilot 1 Nov 1916
Ben F. Price
Ben F. Price died at 2:30 Monday afternoon, having gradually failed since he was stricken with apoplexy at 10:30 Monday forenoon of last week. He never regained consciousness and the end came very peacefully. The funeral will be held at the Methodist church at 2 o’clock today, Rev. W. H. Underwood officiating. Mr. Price was born in Ohio Oct. 2nd, 1864, and was therefore just past 52 years of age. He came of a family of sixteen children all of whom have passed away but one sister, Mrs. Bell Behler, of Three Oaks, Mich. She was here about a month ago for a short visit, not having seen her brother for 35 years. Mr. Price was left an orphan at the age of seven and had to make his own way in the world nearly all his life. He came to this city in 1882 and has lived here on the farm east of town ever since. He was married to Miss Ella N. Beekmann, sister of Chas. Beekmann, in 1892 and two children were born to them, the eldest, Pauline, having died about three years ago. One daughter, Ruth, aged fifteen years, and the wife survive him. He was a good husband and citizen and will be greatly missed by his many friends.
#4 Enterprise 3 Nov 1916
Last week’s Enterprise noted the serious condition of Ben Price occasioned by a paralytic stroke while choreing at his farm near Blair. He remained unconscious until Monday, a week after being stricken, when death came.
He was well-known and had many friends who will miss his hearty greeting and always cheerful companionship.
Benjamin Franklin Price was born in Ohio, Oct. 2, 1864, and died at his home near Blair, Oct. 30, 1916. Mr. Price’s parents died when he was seven years old. He was one of sixteen children, all of whom have died but one sister, Mrs. Bell Behler, of Three Oaks, Mich. Since 1882 his home has been in Washington county, near Blair. In 1892 he was married to Miss Ella N. Beekmann, of Blair, and two daughters were born to them—Pauline and Ruth. Three years ago Pauline died. The wife and one daughter, and many relatives and friends are mourning his death today. Funeral service was held at the Methodist church on Wednesday, at 2 o’clock p.m., Rev. W.H. Underwood preaching the funeral discourse.
~~~Obituaries courtesy of the Nebraska Washington County Genealogical Society. Newspaper clippings on file in the Public Library, Blair, Nebraska~~~
FindaGrave # 103832387