Obituary Record

Andrew, his 3 yr old son Dahl
Date of Death Unavailable


Since the exact death date was not given, the date of the newspaper article was used. Published in The Pilot, April 16, 1891

Our town last Thursday was all excitement over the Dahl tragedy. We will give a brief account of same. Mrs. Dahl has according to the statement of her friends and relatives been of unsound mind for three or four years and caused much anxiety. She grew so much worse that during the winter she was adjudged insane and removed to Norfolk where she remained until about the 10th of March when she was brought home and regarded as greatly improved. On the morning mentioned she prepared breakfast as usual and was dressing her three-year-old boy, when Andrew, her husband, went to his work. The little girl, six years old, was yet asleep in bed. Soon after he left she nailed the doors up with spikes and armed with hatchet and axe, she struck the boy crushing his skull and then treated the girl similarly, after which she drank a half teacupful of patent lye. She died in awful agony, the little boy expiring about the same time. They were buried the following day. The little girl still lives and recognizes those about her. Mrs. Dahl, after committing the deed, came to her mind and crawled through a window to alarm neighbors. Her mania always was that she wanted to die and take her children with her and she had planned something of the kind soon after her return for she had the lye secreted about the first week after she came back. Mr. Dahl is well thought of as an industrious good citizen and has had much to endure from her affliction, but this came so unexpectedly when he was beginning to see signs of her improvement that it seems more than one persons share of grief. He has the deepest sympathy from the community in this dark hour. Mrs. Dahl had no relatives nearer than the old country.

We understood yesterday that the elder of the two Dahl children at Herman, a six year old girl, though a considerable part of the skull had been removed, was still alive. Her vitality is most remarkable under the circumstances, and yet there seems no possible hope for recovery.

Mr. Andrew Dohl (sp) wishes us to thus publicly tender his heartfelt thanks, and grateful appreciation of the many acts of kindness and sympathy manifested by his friends and neighbors at Herman in ministering both to the living and the dead of his family while under the great weight of affliction that so recently befell them.