Pilot 20 Dec 1894
QUINLAN (see note at bottom of obituary)
QUINLIN -- At her home in this city, on Monday, Dec. 17, 1894, of pneumonia, after a week’s illness, Hannah, wife of Pat Quinlin, aged 45.
Mrs. Quinlin’s sudden death was a severe shock to the entire community. Outside the family she was hardly known to be sick, and among her friends at home no serious danger was apprehended until a few hours previous to her death. She was born in County Cork, Ireland, and her maiden name was Hannah Murphy. With her parents she came to America in 1865, locating at Fulton, Ill., where in 1868 she was married to Pat Quinlin, and the succeeding year they came to Nebraska. After drifting about for two years in 1871 they located in Blair which has been their home, and where by the reason of her many good qualities of head and heart, the deceased at all times retained the esteem and confidence of a wide circle of friends and acquaintances, all of whom join their sympathies and regrets with those of the bereaved family at her untimely death. Deceased was the mother of twelve children, seven of whom, with the bereaved husband and fathers, are left to mourn the loss of wife and mother. The remaining children are Mrs. T.H. Sinott, of Portland, Oregon, Willliam aged 27, Thomas 22, Johnnie 19, Maggie 15, Lizzie 14 and Edna 6, the last six mentioned residing at home, and Mrs. Sinott and her husband were fortunately here on a visit, so that all the children were present at the funeral. Mrs. Quinlin had been a consistent member of the Catholic church from infancy.
The funeral was held at St. Joseph’s church at 10:30 Wednesday, where very impressive and appropriate services were rendered by Father Harrott, pastor in charge, but the remains were withheld from burial until evening, awaiting the arrival of Mrs. C. Dick, a sister residing at Denver, Col.
Of relatives from abroad attending the funeral were Mrs. John Higgins, the aged mother of the deceased, and Mr. John Murphy, a brother, and wife, all of Clarks, Nebraska; Mrs. John Hogan, a sister residing at Belden, Nebr.; Wm. Quinlin, brother-in-law, and nephew, Johnnie Burke, of Clinton Co., Iowa, besides which the funeral was largely attended by Blair friends and acquaintances of the family.
(In her husband’s (Pat) obit, Quainlan is spelled with an A not I)
~~~ Obituary courtesy of the Washington County Genealogical Society. Newspaper clippings on file in the Blair Public Library at Blair, Nebraska.~~~