Mrs. Carrie Mills Buckley passed away at 12:30 Monday noon at the home of her sister, Mrs. Frank Dudgeon, of this city, having been sick since she suffered a paralytic stroke last September at her home in Red Oak, Ia.
A short service was held at the Campbell undertaking parlors this morning and Mr. Campbell took the body to Omaha in time to catch a train for Red Oak, where the funeral was held today at the Christian church. Mrs. Dudgeon and another sister, Mrs. Emma Baker, of Springfield, Neb., accompanied the body over there.
Mrs. Buckley was born in Grant county, Wis., Oct. 23rd, 1866 so was past 59 years of age. She was conducting a restaurant at Red Oak when stricken last September.
Besides her husband she leaves two step-sons, five sisters, Mrs. Dudgeon of this city, Mrs. Baker of Springfield, Mrs. Mabel Strickfoos and Mrs. Lipperdink, of Lincoln, Mrs. Etta Scott of Elliott, Ia., and one brother, Ed Myers, of Rockville, Wis.