Obituary Record

Robert H. Denton
Died on 5/21/1924


Printed in The Enterprise, June 5, 1924


Robert H. Denton died at his home in Kennard, Nebr., May 21, 1924, at the age of 73 years, 6 months and 3 days.

Deceased was born in Virginia and in 1878 was married to Elizabeth Rhea and to them six children were born, Frank and Mrs. Taylor Meadows, of Omaha; Byrl of Lincoln; Mrs. Bernard Haller of Hollywood, California; and Mrs. C. E. Mock of Kennard. One child died in infancy.

Mr. Denton was a public spirited man and was honored in the holding of many public offices in his town in which he served with satisfaction to his friends and credit to himself.

He was a true gentleman, a good and loyal friend and was loved by all who knew him.

Funeral services were held on Friday, May 23, and interment was made in the Kennard cemetery.