Since the exact death date was not given, the date of a newspaper article was used. Published in Omaha Bee, November 28. Also published in The Enterprise, December 1, 1916.
Mrs. J. M. Tanner, a prominent Omaha woman and a resident of this city for more than two score years, died Saturday evening at the home, 3333 Pine street, as the result of burns suffered last Thursday morning, when her dress caught afire as she was telephoning, with her back to a gas stove, the oven door of which was open. She was conscious in the forenoon, but her condition rapidly became worse and she died shortly after 6 o’clock in the evening.
Those in the family who survive Mrs. Tanner are the husband, State Senator Tanner; two sons, Joseph W. Tanner, city editor of the Kearney (Neb.) Times, and Hubert J. Tanner, who is employed in the office of the United States collector of customs in Omaha, and a daughter, Mrs. Frances Millie Haselmire, 2821 South Thirty-third street.