#1 Enterprise 14 Feb 1929
Mrs. Chris H. Nelsen
Mrs. Chris H. Nelsen, a well known woman of Kennard, Neb., died Sunday night at nine o’clock at her home following a short illness. Mrs. Nelsen was born Mar. 14, 1879 at Union Star, Kentucky. She came with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Cashman to Nebraska at the age of four years. She was a graduate of the Kennard high school afterwards teaching in the March school district. She was married shortly afterwards to C.H. Nelsen and has lived on what is known as the August Nelsen farm up to the time of her death. Had Mrs. Nelsen lived till March 14th she would have been fifty years old. Mrs. Nelsen is survived by her husband and two daughters, Mrs. Harold Bates of Omaha and Mrs. Ansel Toft of near Kennard, and two sons, Harold and Orville, both at home and also two grandchildren, her mother, Mrs. Lyda Cashman and brother, Everett of Kennard; two sisters, Mrs. B.R. Jones of Hastings and Mrs. Paul Barry of near Kennard. The funeral was held Wednesday at one o’clock at the farm home and at the M.E. church at two o’clock. Interment at the Kennard cemetery.
#1 Pilot-Tribune, Blair, NE Feb 1929
Kennard Lady Dies
Mrs. Chris H. Nelsen, a well known resident of the Kennard community, died early Sunday morning at her home following a three days illness with bronchitis and complications. Mrs. Nelsen, as Leona Cashman, was born March 14, 1879, at Union Star, Kentucky, and came to Nebraska with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cashman at the age of four years. Since that time she has been a resident of Washington County.
She was married to Chris H. Nelsen about 25 years ago after having graduated from the Kennard high school and after teaching school for a number of years. Following their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Nelsen made their home on a farm three miles west of Kennard.
The deceased is survived by her husband, two sons, Harold and Orville, both at home, two daughters, Mrs. Harold Bates of Omaha and Mrs. Ansel Toft of Blair, two grandchildren, her mother, Mrs. Lydia Cashman of Kennard, a brother, Everett Cashman of Kennard, and two sisters, Mrs. B. R. Jones of Hastings and Mrs. Paul Barry of Blair. Funeral services were held from the home and from the Kennard Methodist Church yesterday afternoon following which interment was made in the Kennard Cemetery.
#3 Pilot-Tribune Blair, NE February 14, 1929
One of the largest funerals ever held at the Methodist Church was that of Mrs. Chris H. Nelsen last Wednesday afternoon when the auditorium, class rooms and basement were filled as the day was quite cold. A mixed quartette sang a number of beautiful songs while Rev. Lacy had charge of the services both at the home at 1:30 and at the church at 2:00. A great profusion of beautiful flowers gave mute testimony of the sympathy of friends and relatives to the bereaved husband and children and other relatives. Interment was made in the Kennard Cemetery. Out of town guests at the funeral were: Messrs. And Mesdames, L. F. Kreymborg of Fremont, C.M. Ward, Chas. And Will Nelsen and families, Nels Nielsen and Theodore Hansen, Mrs. Taylor Meadows, Mrs. James Sorensen and Thos. Bates of Omaha, Lockman of Arlington, Peter Nelson and wife and Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Hansen of Blair besides scores of others from nearby towns and counties.
Note: Gravestone in the Kennard Cemetery lists her first name as Leona. She is buried in Blk 3 Lt 35 Sp 2.
~~~ Obituary courtesy of the Washington County Genealogical Society. Newspaper clippings on file in the Blair Public Library at Blair, Nebraska.~~~
Find A Grave #26436888