Obituary Record

Mary Mayo, 5 yrs. Taylor
Died on 8/16/1891
Buried in Blair Cemetery

DIED. TAYLOR - - On Sunday morning of blood-poisoning, Mary Mayo Taylor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Taylor, aged 5 years and 6 months.

Little Mary was as well as usual on Tuesday morning, Aug. 11, but in the course of the day complained of a pain in her lower limb. Supposing it to be rheumatism, Mrs. Taylor applied hot flannels, but in a while a bruise-like spot appeared. This was poulticed and two blisters were developed, which the father opened, on which two small wounds were left. As symptoms of graver trouble appeared, medical aid was called in, but all was useless. On Sunday morning the child died. Beyond a possibility that she may have been bitten by a venomous reptile or insect in the early morning of Monday or Tuesday while picking up fallen apples, there is nothing known of the cause of the trouble. The parents feel the loss very keenly as the child was of a loving and domestic disposition.

A large company of sympathizing friends gathered at the house on Monday morning to attend the funeral, which was conducted by the Rev. John Power.