Three newspaper articles
# 1 - - Printed in The Pilot, May 16, 1923
Mrs. Theo Therkelsen suffered a second paralytic stroke last Thursday and died at 8 o’clock Sunday evening, despite all that could be done for her. The first stroke was about two years ago and she never fully recovered from it. The funeral was held at the Methodist church at 2 o’clock, Rev. J. A. Johnson, her pastor, officiating. The large attendance and the many beautiful flowers showed something of the high esteem in which Mrs. Therkelsen was held in the community.
Louise Campbell was born in Cass county, this state, December 2nd, 1869, and was, therefore, 53 years of age last December. She was the daughter of the late Rev. M. Campbell, who was pastor of the United Brethren church here for a number of years. She was married to Theodore Therkelsen May 12th, 1892, and two sons were born to them, Harold W. and Raymond T. Therkelsen, who with the husband, survive. She leaves, also a brother, Charles Campbell of Winnebago, and a brother by adoption, Bert Campbell, of this city. Mrs. Chas. Campbell came down for the funeral service, her husband not being able to attend. Also Mr. and Mrs. Pat Gillispie of Omaha, and Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Dixon, of Ft. Calhoun.
# 2 - - printed in The Tribune, May 17, 1923
Mrs. Theodore Therkelsen passed away at her home in the Goll school neighborhood, near Blair, Sunday, May 14, following a paralytic stroke, aged 53 years, 5 months and 11 days.
Louisa J. Campbell was born in Cass county, Nebr., Dec. 2, 1869 and was a daughter of the late Rev. and Mrs. M. Campbell, who lived in this city some years ago. Rev. Campbell was pastor of the U. B. church at this place which was founded in the early eighties. Miss Campbell was married to Theodore Therkelsen May 12, 1892 and was the mother of two sons, Harold and Raymond, who with the father survive and mourn the loss of an excellent wife and mother. Surviving, also, are one brother, Charles Campbell of Winnebago; an adopted brother, Bert Campbell of Blair; two grandchildren, Roy and Arline Therkelsen; and a number of relatives and friends who mourn the demise of a good and patient woman. She and her husband had been married 31 years and one day at the time of her death.
The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon at 2:00 o’clock from the M. E. church, of which she was a member since April, 1918, Rev. J. A. Johnson preaching the funeral discourse, and she was laid to rest in the beautiful cemetery east of the city.
The family have the sympathy of many friends in their bereavement. A quartet consisting of Miss Ethel Mead, Mrs. Annie Martin, Messrs. Asa Dixon and F. W. Arndt sang appropriate selections at the funeral.
# 3 - - Printed in The Enterprise, May 17, 1923
Louisa J. Campbell Therkelsen was born in Cass county, Nebraska, December 2, 1869 and went to her crowning at her late home near Blair, Nebraska, May 13 1923, aged 53 years, 5 months and 11 days.
Mrs. Therkelsen was the daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. M. Campbell, who lived in this city some years ago. Her father was pastor on the U. B. church here for some years, having led in the erection of the first U. B. church in the city. He was an old soldier and the family moved to Blair in 1880.
The deceased was married to Theodore Therkelsen May 12, 1892 and to this union were born two sons, Harold and Raymond, who together with their father, named above, one brother, Bert Campbell of this city, and many other relatives and friends are left to weep for a broken home, the loss of a good mother, a loving wife, sister and friend.
Mrs. Therkelsen and her husband were married just 31 years and one day. She became a member of the local M. E. church, April 20, 1918.
Funeral services were held from the church at 2 o’clock Tuesday afternoon and burial made in the local cemetery. (Contributed)