Obituary Record

Joseph Thielfoldt
Died on 1/1/2999


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The silent messenger of death came to the home of Joseph Thielfoldt in startling form last Friday when our subject took his life by his own hand. About 10 o’clock he was observed alive and in an apparent state of health. About 3 p.m. his body was found hanging in his barn, death occurring by his own hand. This community was, indeed, shocked by such action, although as was reported he has not been in the best of health in the later years of his more than three score years of man’s allotted time. May those nearest and dearest, as well as friends and neighbors throw the mantle of charity around this life, looking beyond the turbid waters of time for human comfort and all will be well in the final outcome awaiting all humanity. The funeral was held Sunday from the farm home west of this city with Rev. T. J. Reese offering words of comfort to the bereaved ones in thoughtful reverent way.