Since the exact death date was not given, the date of the newspaper article was used. Published in The Tribune, February 7, 1917, in two short separate articles.
1 - - Mrs. Detrick Tietjen died on Saturday, at about 10:30 a.m. Funeral services were held at the Presbyterian church Tuesday at 2 o’clock.
2 - - Mrs. Tietjens was found chilled and almost unconscious, sitting on the floor of her bedroom Thursday morning about ten A.M. by an old lady who was staying with her. There was no fire in the house as the old lady, a Mrs. Johns, had not been up until this time. When she found Mrs. Tietjens in this condition, she called in the neighbors, who got Mrs. Tietgens comfortable in a short time and called the doctor, Mr. Gesaman, who found that she had an attack of bronchial pneumonia. Her son, William, and her daughter, Mrs. John Kruse were also called.
(typed as printed in the newspaper. Some variations in spellings and facts occur.)