Obituary Record

Blanche Tilden
Died on 4/12/1970


The exact death date was not given. Date and place of publication of this newspaper article was not recorded. A penciled notation identified the year of this newspaper article, 1970. A search in the Blair Cemetery’s online database yielded the exact death date.


Mrs. Blanche Tilden, a former Blair woman, died Sunday at Prescott, Arizona where she had made her home for a number of years. She was the widow of Dr. Roy Tilden, a former Blair veterinarian. Mrs. Tilden was 82 years old.

Her husband preceded her in death in 1953.

She is survived by two daughters and two sons. The daughters are Mrs. Ruth Pike of Prescott, Arizona; and Mrs. Doris Welch of Antioch, California. A son, Norman Tilden, lived at Houston, Texas and another son, Dr. Irvin Tilden, lived at Kailua, Hawaiian Islands. There are five grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.

The body will lie in state at the Bendorf Funeral Home from noon until 4:30 p.m. this (Thursday) afternoon. At that time committal services will be held at the Blair Cemetery.